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Abdullah Alabdullatif

À propos de Abdullah

Do you feel like you can do impactful work at Bain? What opportunities excite you?

One of the most impactful projects I'm working on at Bain is with the Innovation & Design team, where we are transforming a major real estate marketplace in Saudi Arabia. By redesigning the user journeys and overhauling the strategy with various new initiatives, we are set to greatly enhance the user experience. This project has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for many people in Saudi Arabia.

In terms of exciting opportunities, I am particularly drawn to projects that involve data science. The ability to analyze vast amounts of data and extract meaningful insights is something I find incredibly fascinating. Using data to drive strategic decisions and uncover hidden patterns is a key area where I see myself making a substantial impact.

“Build Your Own Bain” means creating a thriving career on your own terms. How have you been able to “Build Your Own Bain?”

At Bain, I have been able to shape my career by pursuing projects that align with my interests and honing skills that I am passionate about. My fascination with Data Science & Machine Learning led me to explore opportunities within Bain's Advanced Analytics Group (AAG). Recognizing my interest, Bain provided a bootcamp to upskill generalist consultants, enabling us to bridge the gap between general consulting and the AAG team. This experience allowed me to join the Private Equity Group (PEG) AAG Ringfence, where I gained invaluable insights into the work of data scientists at Bain. The open doors and supportive environment at Bain have allowed me to build a career focused on the industries and skill sets I find most compelling, truly exemplifying the "Build Your Own Bain" philosophy.

Share some of your favorite work (personal or professional) you’ve done while at Bain.

Professionally, one of the most interesting projects I worked on was within the Private Equity Group (PEG) AAG Ringfence. We offered various advanced analytics services, one of which was Location Intelligence. This involved analyzing geospatial data to identify the best locations for expansion and other strategic use cases. This work was both challenging and rewarding, as it combined my love for data analysis with practical, impactful outcomes for our clients.

On a more personal note, a highlight of my time at Bain has been participating in Bain Social Impact. One memorable and recurring initiative is giving Eid gifts to hospitalized children in Riyadh. This tradition not only brings joy to the children but also reinforces the importance of giving back to the community, something I am deeply passionate about.

Describe your experience living and working in Riyadh.

Living and working in Riyadh has been an incredibly fulfilling experience. It's wonderful to be back in my hometown, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds. After spending several years in the UK for my bachelor’s degree, returning to Riyadh feels like coming home. The city is vibrant and dynamic, with a blend of traditional culture and modern developments. Riyadh is at the heart of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, and witnessing the rapid transformation and growth firsthand is exhilarating. From the expanding skyline to the new cultural and entertainment hubs, there is always something new and exciting happening. Additionally, being close to my family and friends has enriched my personal and professional life, providing a strong support network that I cherish.

Did you have any ties to the region before joining Bain Riyadh? Why did you choose this office?

Yes, I have deep-rooted ties to the region as I am Saudi and Riyadh is my hometown. Choosing to work at Bain Riyadh was a natural decision for me. Not only does it allow me to stay close to my family and friends, but it also gives me the opportunity to contribute to the city’s development during this pivotal time. The initiatives under Vision 2030 are transforming Riyadh into a global hub of innovation and business, and I wanted to be part of that exciting journey. The prospect of working in a dynamic environment that is both familiar and rapidly evolving was a key factor in my decision.