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Bain Offices

Manny Maceda Statement on our work in Russia

Manny Maceda Statement on our work in Russia

Statement of Work, March 7

Statement of Work, March 7

Earlier today I shared an update with our global team and alumni. I’ve been shocked and saddened by the continued devastation in Ukraine and am deeply concerned for our on-the-ground team members and their families.

In Kyiv, we helped all local team members stockpile gasoline, food, water and necessities before the invasion. We have supported team members that chose to leave. We continue to provide food and local supplies for our team members that have chosen to stay and are in daily contact with them. We are also supporting the family members of our Ukrainian employees in other offices.

In 2020 we ceased work with all branches of government in Russia, and in sectors like military and intelligence. Earlier this week we informed our local team that, effective immediately, we will no longer work with any Russian business (State Owned or private) and that we have put a moratorium on new work of any kind. Our Moscow office will remain open for now, allowing our people who choose to remain in Russia to serve other global clients while a remote working model remains feasible.

While these decisions were taken a few days ago, we could not share them publicly until we could ensure the safety of our teams to the maximum extent possible, which we have now done.

Today we announced a $1M cash contribution to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, our longstanding partner, and will commit an additional $15M of pro bono support toward refugee work. We’ve also seen countless inspiring stories of frontline support unfolding across the Bain system – providing housing for refugees in neighboring countries, organizing widespread donations of clothes and toys, and fundraising for groceries and necessities to support relocated families, to name just a few.

Many of us are having personal and profound reactions to this crisis – whether that is our teammates that previously lived behind the Iron Curtain, lived through the devastation of war, the experiences of our veterans around the world, or the experiences of our many Ukrainian and Russian team members. May we care for ourselves, our families, and each other during this extraordinarily difficult time.

-Manny Maceda, Worldwide Managing Partner
