Infographic The Coming Wave of Banking M&A Covid-19 will spur further consolidation, and the most active acquirers have a leg up. Par Pierre de Raismes, Daniele Funaro, João Soares, Joe Fielding, et Damian Stephenson 26 août 2020 Infographic The Coming Wave of Banking M&A en Auteurs Pierre de Raismes Associé, Paris Daniele Funaro Associé, Milan João Soares Associé, New York Joe Fielding Associé, New York Damian Stephenson Associé, Sydney Contactez-nous First published in août 2020 Mots clés Banking Divestitures and Spin-offs Due Diligence Fusions et Acquisitions M&A Capability M&A Due Diligence M&A Strategy Services Financiers