Bain Office
Kristen Bernikows Gade 1
Galleri K
1105, Copenhagen K
Bain Office
Kristen Bernikows Gade 1
Galleri K
1105, Copenhagen K
Since 2007, Bain Copenhagen has worked with leading companies across Denmark, the Nordics, and worldwide. Consistently recognized as one of the top consulting partners, we closely collaborate with our fellow Bain Nordic offices in Helsinki, Oslo, and Stockholm to achieve exceptional results that generate lasting and positive changes. We believe in inclusivity, and our motto is simple: we are here to empower others to shine, whether they are our clients, colleagues, or the community.
We prioritize building strong client relationships and fostering meaningful relationships among colleagues, creating a welcoming, inclusive, and fun office culture. We support one another’s potential and celebrate our teams’ diversity, which spans across gender, age, religion, ethnicity, education, sexual orientation, and personality traits. Besides cultivating inclusivity, our affinity groups offer spaces for members and allies. Committed to meaningful social change, we partner with innovative organizations addressing global challenges.
The Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) is an NGO focused on reducing pollution in the Baltic Sea. Bain has an ongoing relationship with BSAG and has helped it create an action plan.
Reach for Change is a non-profit founded in Sweden that aims to help children and young people worldwide reach their full potential. Through our longstanding partnership, we offer strategic advice and mentorship to support their social entrepreneurs in effecting positive change.
The Zimbabwe Agriculture Development Trust (ZADT) is a non-profit fund that contributes to the recovery and enhancement of the agricultural sector in Zimbabwe. As a strategic partner, we offer our ongoing expertise to assist ZADT in mobilizing funding for commercially viable and sustainable agribusinesses.
Notre formule pour le succès est simple. Ici, vous trouverez une culture d’impact et de soutien où des personnes immensément talentueuses sont encouragées à exceller dans ce qu’elles font.
Trouvez votre prochain rôle chez Bain. Votre futur vous en remerciera.
Explorez les postes ouverts dans ce bureau.
Rencontrez vos futurs collègues lors d'un événement en personne ou virtuel.
Familiarisez-vous avec la vie chez Bain grâce à l’un de nos stages ou programmes.
We’re on a fast-track journey to become the #1 consulting firm in the Nordics, and we’re looking for talented graduates and students to join our growing community of extraordinary Bainies in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm.
Our office space has been thoughtfully designed to promote connections, collaboration and creativity. Take a look inside.
Kristen Bernikows Gade 1
Galleri K
1105, Copenhagen K