Dry Powder: The Private Equity Podcast

Today on Dry Powder, my guest is Deven Parekh, managing director at Insight Partners, a firm that has developed a unique playbook for multistage investing.
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“Oftentimes what happens is funds are constrained by their stage,” Deven says. “At the end of the day, our strategy is software, and what we want to do is find the best software companies, the best software entrepreneurs in the best markets, and we don’t want to get constrained by stage.”
On today’s episode, I ask Deven how the team at Insight takes a company from its earliest days all the way to maturity, while doubling down on their winners at pivotal moments. We also explore how the operational team draws insights from each stage of growth and meets the wide-ranging needs of more than 500 portfolio companies.

The Private Equity Podcast
In our podcast series, Bain's Hugh MacArthur interviews leading experts on the trends and opportunities that will redefine the private equity industry.