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For B2B Companies, Six Elements of Value® Matter Most in the Coronavirus Pandemic

Take the high road with customers.

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For B2B Companies, Six Elements of Value® Matter Most in the Coronavirus Pandemic

Crises create moments of truth in business-to-business relationships. Companies that provide other businesses with values that are higher on the Elements of Value® pyramid will exit the crisis in a better position than when it started. Focus now on being a strategic partner, demonstrating stability, going the extra mile to make your offering available and taking the high road by helping those in need. Then amplify these actions and messages over the coming weeks.

Eric Almquist is a partner with Bain & Company’s Customer Strategy & Marketing and Advanced Analytics practices. Jamie Cleghorn is a partner with Bain’s Customer Strategy & Marketing and Technology practices. They are based, respectively, in Boston and Chicago.

Elements of Value® is a registered trademark of Bain & Company Inc.

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Elements of Value® is a registered trademark of Bain & Company, Inc.