Dry Powder: The Private Equity Podcast

Today on Dry Powder, we share a live recording from this year’s NEXUS conference in Orlando, Florida. My guest is Brian Bernasek, cohead of Americas Corporate Private Equity at Carlyle. We had a wide-ranging discussion about his market outlook for 2025, how he thinks about sector expertise at scale, the rising cost of alpha, and, of course, AI.
You can listen to this episode of Dry Powder and catch future episodes by subscribing on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you may listen.
Our conversation touches on many of the key themes in Bain’s Global Private Equity Report—which we’ve linked to in the episode notes—and Brian is one of those rare investors who can bring these themes to life. I highly recommend you tune in.

The Private Equity Podcast
In our podcast series, Bain's Hugh MacArthur interviews leading experts on the trends and opportunities that will redefine the private equity industry.