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B2B Go-to-Market



To win in today’s market you need a clear view of where the opportunity lies. MoneyMap, part of our CoroSM suite of digital solutions, offers the comprehensive, granular visibility you need to up-sell, cross-sell and capture new business across complex customer segments.


To make the right decisions, your commercial team needs sophisticated market insights at their fingertips. With dynamic visualization features, MoneyMap illuminates the most effective path to profitable, organic growth. It reveals where your company excels, and where you can do much better. Without MoneyMap, you’re flying blind.

Part of our Coro suite of proprietary digital solutions, MoneyMap gives you visibility into addressable revenue and share-of-wallet at the customer and product level. It helps you decide where to deploy resources and how best to activate your frontline team for winning commercial strategies. MoneyMap reveals the attractiveness and propensity-to-buy among your customers and prospects, alongside estimates of your ability to win their business. This makes it an ideal platform to differentiate how you serve various market segments.

MoneyMap allows you to:

  • target customers based on their potential spending, not just what they spent last year;
  • optimize your go-to-market model, your coverage, and capacity planning;
  • identify where you need new routes to market;
  • discover product-level opportunities for upselling and cross selling; and
  • enable world-class account planning and pipeline management.

Backed by our unrivaled expertise in go-to-market design and execution, our team will customize a MoneyMap that fits perfectly with your company’s growth plans. The spend-estimate model we design can be refreshed and improved over time and ensure you get buy-in from commercial teams. And MoneyMap is interoperable with a wide array of digital sales and marketing solutions, ensuring that the capability is embedded in the rhythms and technology of your organization.

Whatever your industry, MoneyMap will help you capture the breakout, organic growth that every profitable company is seeking.

At a Glance

At a Glance

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Crack the code on sustained, profitable growth with Sales Play System. Start by taking our Maturity X-Ray, to get a quick, accurate read on your current sales performance.

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We work with ambitious leaders who want to define the future, not hide from it. Together, we achieve extraordinary outcomes.

Coro® is a service mark and MoneyMap® is a registered trademark of Bain & Company, Inc.