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Customer Value Management

Customer Value Management

A proven — and undervalued — source of profitable growth

Customer Value Management

While all revenue and profits ultimately come from customers, most companies place more emphasis on product P&Ls and functional budgets than on customer value. We pioneered the concept of Customer Value Management and its critical importance to shareholder value. We provide the tools, technology and management principles you need to make informed trade-offs between growing the long-term value of the customer base and making this quarter's earnings goals. This approach enables you to:

  • Make better investment and operational decisions
  • Gain the support and confidence of your leadership team
  • Show a tangible impact on your bottom line
  • Grow shareholder value

No one knows customer loyalty better than we do. We literally wrote the book on loyalty. We help companies win new customers, earn their loyalty, retain them and serve them better. Our groundbreaking work in customer experience transformation, Elements of Value®, the Net Promoter System®, and other loyalty enhancing customer capabilities, combined with our expertise in organizational design, Agile ways of working and a customer-focused Test for Results approach can help you become an enduring loyalty leader and generate sustained value. 

Understand the role that new metrics, models and technologies play in boosting customer capital--and shareholder value

How We Can Help

How We Can Help

Maximizing shareholder value requires maximizing Customer Value. The first step is to calculate it.

We can help you:

  • Calculate the Customer Value of your entire customer base: the NPV of future cash flows from all your customers, existing and future ones
  • Determine what portion of the Enterprise Value and Equity Value of your company is comprised of Customer Value

View how Lyft would be valued using this methodology.

Knowing your Customer Value today is absolutely necessary, but not sufficient. The prize lies in understanding its full potential.

We can help you:

  • Identify the key drivers of Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Value
  • Estimate the maximum achievable performance on each driver, to calculate full-potential customer value
  • Identify the specific initiatives most likely to realize the greatest portion of that full-value potential


Customer Value is a critical driver of shareholder value, but it’s important to make informed trade-offs between growing the long-term value of your customer base and making this quarter’s earnings goals.

We can help you:

  • Develop a reliable Customer Value analytics and modelling capability
  • Run "what-if" simulations on proposed actions and alternatives, with full transparency on the assumptions made
  • Compare initiatives based on the P&L, budget and Customer Value impacts, for a complete financial picture
  • Select the portfolio of actions that balances near- and long-term financial impact
  • Track the progress and impact of selected initiatives


Your company needs a powerful set of high-performing tools to manage Customer Value. We create widely available, standardized tools that enable the entire organization to maximize Customer Value.

Our tools include:

  • Dashboards and analytics to automate the measurement and monitoring of Customer Value and continually report on the value of your business through a customer lens
  • A simulation and planning workbench to evaluate actions and forecast their corresponding short- and long-term impacts on customer metrics, the business as a whole, and shareholder value
  • Links to your orchestration tools so you can automate prioritized actions and accelerate learning though rapid test-and-learn cycles


Winning on Purpose

A must-read story and your indispensable guide for inspiring customer love within your own teams and utilizing Net Promoter to achieve both personal and business success. Available now!

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Featured Team Members

Lead the Customer Value Revolution

We're looking to work with bold companies that recognize that shareholder value depends on customer value. If you're interested in joining a cutting-edge effort to achieve the full potential value of your company's customer capital, let us know.

Ready to talk?

We work with ambitious leaders who want to define the future, not hide from it. Together, we achieve extraordinary outcomes.

Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, Net Promoter System®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., NICE Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score℠ is a service mark of Bain & Company, Inc., NICE Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Elements of Value® is a registered trademark of Bain & Company, Inc.