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Social Impact

Carbon Neutral

Carbon Neutral

Corporate social responsibility is entwined in Bain's DNA because our people believe deeply in making the world a better place. And because we share our experiences with our clients around the world, the benefits of our efforts—like our work with community organizations or our certification as a CarbonNeutral® company—are magnified far beyond Bain itself.

Bain is formally certified as a 100% CarbonNeutral® company across its global operations and has been since the spring of 2012. We are proud to be recertified in 2020 for the tenth year in a row - an achievement few can claim, according to Natural Capital Partners, a world-leading provider of carbon emission reduction and renewable energy solutions.

This achievement is the result of an exhaustive effort to measure our global footprint in accordance with international certification standards, coupled with a multifaceted approach to reach net zero carbon emissions.

We have been aggressively reducing our footprint where we can. More than 60 office-level initiatives have been underway for years spearheaded by our Green Teams, including recycling, reducing paper usage and conserving electricity. These are joined by firm-wide initiatives to reduce our emissions, such as server consolidation, increased teleconferencing and purchasing green energy, which constitutes more than 96% of Bain’s electricity consumption.

Reduction remains a priority. However, recognizing the travel-intensive nature of our business, we are also offsetting the unavoidable portion of our footprint by investing in green projects. These investments provide a critical source of funding for renewable energy and other emissions-reducing projects that would not otherwise be financially viable. Since 2011, we have supported nearly 30 sustainability projects in eight countries to fully offset our global footprint. We carefully selected projects to span geographies and technologies, including:

  • Wind power in India, China and Turkey
  • Old-growth forests in the US
  • Methane capture in China and the US
  • Biomass energy generation in Brazil
  • Geothermal power in Turkey and Indonesia
  • River hydropower in China