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Putting Words Into Action

Our Team’s Commitments

Our Team’s Commitments

We asked our global employees about the steps they’ll take to combat racial and social injustice. These are their individual pledges.

I will learn and teach my family about existing racial inequity. I will share what I learn. I will move towards any discomfort and address my existing biases - even when it feels hard. —  Mike S, Boston

I will continue to listen and learn about inequality, race and act to prevent discrimination wherever I see it. —  Joao S, London

I will read as much as I can to more fully understand my complicity in racial injustice and the history of systemic racism in this country; talk openly about race with my young children and make an concerted effort to bring them into communities of color; be an active ally for my black colleagues, friends, and community members. —  Michelle P, San Francisco

I will treat all people with respect and all points of view with an open mind. —  Bill D, Boston

I will not tolerate any racial remarks/comments made by others. —  Anonymous, Los Angeles

I will educate myself on white privilege and racial equality through podcasts, books, and documentaries . I will donate to organizations pursuing racial equality and social justice. I will opt-in to uncomfortable situations to find growth. I will vote. —  Anonymous, Boston

I will contribute to make Bain Paris the most inclusive and diverse consulting place to work. —  Virgnie A, Paris

I will commit to continue to educate myself on racism and microaggressions, create open environment on my teams to foster true inclusion and equality and aim to effect real change in my work, office and broader community. —  Joe L, New York

I will further educate myself on the drivers of racial inequity, donate time and money to supporting organizations that are pushing for solutions, and ensure my child grows up to be an active ally in the community by not just teaching anti-racism but by living pro-justice. —  Lisa, Atlanta

I will commit my time, heart and money to making sustainable change in Australia. I will “do the work.” —  Laura M, Melbourne

I will speak up against any inappropriate comments that are made in my private or professional environment. —  Chris S, Frankfurt

I will speak up any time I perceive any discriminatory behavior around me. —  George I, Rome

I will educate myself on the colonial history and its ongoing effects of trauma on our indigenous population. —  Anonymous, Sydney

I will treat every individual with respect and compassion; I will not allow myself to take part in identity-based discrimination (racial, sexual, or otherwise); I will examine my privileges and articulate explicitly what responsibilities they demand of me; I will not allow ideology to suppress truth, however uncomfortable the truth may be; I will do what I can to prevent groupthink from leading me astray. —  Matt G, Sydney

I will listen. I will listen to others' stories to better understand their experiences of racial and social inequity. I will listen to learn how to better support change, according to those who have not experienced the equity they deserve. And I will listen to proactively identify examples of racial and social inequity - to then find the courage to call out those moments and work towards a better tomorrow. —  Meg L, Melbourne

I will speak up when I see racial and social inequity. —  Anonymous, Sydney

I will be open and mindful to everyone I interact with and listen and action equally from all parts of the world including all diverse culture and background. I will voice out within my family and my circle in absence of knowledge and awareness. —  Anonymous, New Delhi

I will treat my colleagues with respect irrespective of race or color. Show love and support towards them. This will create a conducive environment for everyone to feel appreciated and welcomed. —  Xolani M, South Africa

I will see, treat, and act towards every other human through an equal lens and promote interracial and cross-cultural relationships at every step. I will make a conscious effort to develop sensitivity and understanding towards people of all races and religions. I will raise my voice and coach my friends, peers, and family on the values of racial and social equity.
Pranav R, Brussels

I will listen, be mindful, and take action. —  Nicki B, Boston

I will vote for leaders who promote social justice and anti-racism. —  Angela V, Boston

I will educate myself about racial and social inequality and encourage my friends and family to do the same. —  Anonymous, Boston

I will speak up whenever I am witnessing any form of racism and I will keep educating myself in order to become a more effective ally to the black community. —  Thomas A, London

I will continue to educate myself on black history and on racism and share these learnings with friends, family, colleagues, classmates. I will practice knowing when to speak out but also when to stop talking and really listen until both are second nature. I will continue to donate, sign petitions and write letters to MPs. —  Natalie P, London

I will put the time into learning and push my self to speak out against inequality. —  Meghan K, London

I will be more vigilant against racism. —  Anonymous, Amsterdam

I will continue to educate myself and listen to further my understanding. I will get comfortable with the uncomfortable. I will act with courage. I will continue to look for more concrete actions I can take - speaking up when I see injustice, educating my children, donating to important organisations like Aboriginal Legal Service to support the work they do. —  Nicole K, Dubai

I will call out where I see bias or inequality in our business. And actively work to make change to systemically remove it. —  Shannon M, Sydney

I will help create an active allyship group in LA with ongoing education and provocative experience sharing about how to address racial injustice in our community. —  Tina R, Los Angeles

I will work tirelessly to reform police procedures and overcome police union resistance to change; help find a new model for policing in the US. —  Robb M, New York

I will continue to listen and learn; promote and advocate for equality for all. —  Ashley L, Boston

I will use my role in recruiting to be a fierce advocate for Black and POC candidates. I will also get over my discomfort about speaking up when I hear microaggressions or see injustices play out in my personal and work life. —  Anonymous, Boston

I will listen. And I will speak up, even when afraid of making a mistake. — Anonymous, Boston

I will create awareness. —  Anonymous, Boston

I will commit to becoming more informed about the history and evolution of systematic racial injustice in the U.S. I will use my voice to engage in dialogue and education with people around me to raise their awareness of these issues. At the same time, I will use my financial resources to support causes that advocate for equal opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for those underprivileged due to their race, gender, or socioeconomic status.
Tony Z, New York

I will remind my case teams and clients about the importance and strength of diversity. I will educate our next generation. I will continue to support South African youth development. —  Max C, Zurich

I will educate myself, speak up against racism, and vote. —  Anonymous, Chicago

I will further educate myself, use my voice when I see injustice, listen, and VOTE. —  Emily S, San Francisco

I will be the good for humanity. I will be a helper instead of a "harmer" in deeds and actions. —  Emme P, Minneapolis

I will continue learning and embrace opportunities to have conversations with my coworkers around what it means for us to make Bain and our broader community more equitable and inclusive spaces. —  Anonymous, Dallas

I will educate myself - embracing the journey to better understand the many systemic dimensions of racism. I will use my role as a leader to drive change both within our firm and across our broader community. —  Jed F, Toronto

I will commit to having the uncomfortable conversations that I would have previously shied away from. I will no longer allow that discomfort to get in the way of my growth and my learning; ignorance is the enemy. —  Bobbi L, Los Angeles

I will strive to educate myself and my children on racial inequalities. —  Anonymous, Dallas

I will actively, not passively, pledge my time, energy, and resources to build towards racial equality by exercising my ability to vote, petition, educate, and empathize. —  Cam S, New York

I will listen, learn, and support black business owners and community efforts. —  Steph P, San Francisco

I will make sure I educate myself and not assume that being ignorant is okay anymore. —  Ankur A, London

I will have a sustained impact with black-owned businesses. —  Hannah M, Boston

I will continue to educate myself. —  Anonymous, Boston

I will educate myself in order to become a more effective anti-racist and will seek to mentor black Bainies. —  Ouriel L, Chicago

I will contribute to ensuring an equal education for all.
Rebecca T, Sydney

I will take the time to educate myself to become actively anti-racist. I will support & elevate BIPOC voices and businesses. I will not be afraid to have uncomfortable conversations to open my own mind and the minds of others. —  Joy, Melbourne

I will educate myself on the systemic racism present in our society. I will listen to and learn from the perspectives and stories of people of color. I will ensure my words and actions are anti-racist and challenge white privilege. I will financially support minority owned businesses and donate to nonprofits that benefit people of color. —  Katie B, Chicago

I will commit to learning, listening and educating myself on the history of racial injustice in America. —  Anonymous, New York

I will bring sustained focus and energy to the fight for racial and social equity. I will educate myself, proactively engage with others and be willing to discover uncomfortable truths. I will put myself out there, accept that I will make mistakes and be willing to ask for forgiveness. I will use my energy, resources and position to make an impact on my office, community and loved ones. —  Michael R, Washington D.C.

I will commit to educating myself and my peers on issues of racism and treatment of First Nations people in Australia. —  Anonymous, Melbourne

I will stand up when I hear racist words or see racist actions; Educate myself on the different forms of racial and social inequity; Notice all forms of bias, prejudice and discrimination in which I participate. —  Anonymous, Sydney

I will be conscious about using or thinking in 'stereotypes'; call out when people use derogatory or racist terms, even in jest. —  Nikki S, Melbourne

I will encourage my teams to talk about unconscious bias in team meetings. —  James V, Sydney

I will commit to listening better and understanding better and doing my best to combat racial and social inequity. I will raise my children to be anti-racists and believe in equity for all. —  John F, Sydney

I will treat everyone equally and with respect, and raise my kids to be anti-racist. —  Marco D, Sydney

I will commit to engaging and contributing to the actions that become part of Bain Australia's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). The RAP will be fundamental to how we build Bain Australia's cross-cultural understanding and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. —  Lucy, Sydney

I will strive to be always inclusive of all individuals on my teams and learn when I’m not. I commit to deepen my understanding of the issues that Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander peoples have faced and are still facing today. I will add Indigenous charities to my donations. I will call out racism when I see it. I will raise anti-racist kids. —  Agathe G, Sydney

I will engage in difficult conversations to slowly shift people close to me towards more inclusive thoughts and actions. —  Rachel L, Chicago

I will educate myself more about Aboriginal culture and issues faced by Aboriginal People in Australia. —  Frank S, Sydney

I will remind my kids, and myself, that the behaviour you walk past is the behaviour you accept. —  David Z, Sydney

I will do much more to educate myself about racial inequality. As a leader, I will not walk past an awkward or tough situation where action (or at least a conversation) is needed. I will speak up and provoke it. —  Damian S, Sydney


I will endeavor to expand my knowledge of racial and social injustice through deep listening and learning, while taking measurable action to make progress in achieving a level playing field for all.
Mary M, Boston

I will: educate myself on latent racial and social inequity in the world and proactively engage in conversations with friends and family on such urgent matters. — Max K, Zurich

I will listen more, seek to learn more, and commit to act more to be a better leader and colleague within our organization in addressing racial and social equity. I will strive to bring empathy and understanding as core values to all I can touch and influence in my own actions and those of the firm. — Russ H, San Francisco

I will educate myself on racial injustice and white privilege, as well as go back and re-learn the history of racism to fully understand how we got to where we are. — Taylor B, Atlanta

I will commit to listening, learning, and taking action to become a better ally and advocate for the long term. — Jennifer, Chicago

I will ask myself often and I hope permanently if I am being an ally, taking every opportunity personally and professionally to support the rights of people of color and promote and help them. Three things I have committed to begin this year: 1) be a visible ally, through our new Black Lives Matter poster, but also in my personal dealings and the businesses I support, 2) support and help expand educational opportunities for black youth including through our Metco program, and 3) give time to voter registration and get out the vote campaigns, and take the time to educate myself on local political issues through this lens. — Anonymous, Boston

I will not be afraid to have the tough conversations we need, even — and especially — with those I love most. — Becca B, Boston

I will continue to proactively learn and listen, and get involved in my communities and networks, including donating to causes that are effectuating change, all to ensure we push forward and stay committed to breaking down barriers and removing injustice. — Victoria K, Boston

I will teach my children to be anti-racist. — Anonymous, Boston

I will strive to be more informed and more aware of the racial inequities that exist all around me. I will use my energies and resources to help make lasting change in my own surroundings and in my community now and in the years to come. — Preston H, New York

I will speak up when I see an act of racism being committed (whether large or small, intentional or not.) I will continue to educate myself on issues of systemic racism and the ways I can help address it. — Anonymous, Dallas

I will continue to educate myself, and engage in discussions to further my understanding. I will get comfortable with the uncomfortable. I will act with courage. I will not shy away from the tough conversations or the hard truths. I will look for more ways to translate beliefs into concrete actions. — Meghan S, Chicago

I will raise anti-racist kids. — Agathe G, Sydney

I will listen and always consider the full person, treating everyone equally and with respect. — Gary T, Sydney

I will react against those who try to justify shameful behaviors and situations. — Anonymous, Milan

I will strive to educate my children, colleagues, and community that we can do so much more with open minds and hearts then with closed fists and eyes. — Alison L, Madrid

I will continuously educate myself on racial injustice and identify actions we need to take as an office and as a firm to help improve.
Anonymous, Los Angeles

I will educate myself to get a deeper understanding of historical and recent events. I will actively listen and be at cause in my support. I will be anti-racist and embrace inclusion. — Peter H, London

I will continue to live and lead every day an open and inclusive work environment, raising awareness of unconscious bias and making sure Bain will continue to be the best place to work based on highest values and greatest respect for our people, the society and the world we live in. — Malte R, Munich

I will embrace change. — Tony R, Toronto

I will fight any racial/diversity behaviors not only as citizen of this world but also any racial behavior I am exposed to directly in my daily life. — Ada D.M, Paris

I will stand up for inclusion & diversity and stand up against racism. I will speak up when witnessing inappropriate behavior and educate, educate, educate. — John H, Paris

I will listen clearly and educate myself on the explicit and implicit bias and racism that still exists. I will be an ally and confront head on the difficult conversations and challenges that are still ahead. — Sebastian P, Washington D.C.

I will educate myself and my family on the broader context of racial injustice. I will lean into (rather than avoid) the uncomfortable discussions that will help to push my own thinking and the thinking of others. I will talk with my children about what I am personally doing to make a difference and brainstorm ways that they can make a difference as well. — Corrie C, Chicago 

I will challenge my team's hiring managers to include minorities in candidate pools. — Frankie B, Chicago

I will continue to elevate the focus on equity and inclusion at Bain to a top strategic business priority. — Anonymous, San Francisco

I will educate and make aware to my near and dear ones on humanity and humane considerations, and contribute to the cause whichever way possible. — Vinod P, Bangkok

I will try to understand any existing conscious and sub-conscious bias in my mind and take actions to get over them. —  Anonymous, New Delhi

I will be more aggressive in our agenda around diversity, equity, and inclusion. —  Harshit A, New Delhi

I will donate to organizations supporting Black and other minorities, learn more about 'white privilege' and how to erase it, actively discuss the topics within and outside my circles to promote equality. —  Giacomo C, Mumbai

I will protest and show solidarity with the black community and all other groups that face racism on a regular basis by going to peaceful demonstrations and hold up a sign saying "No to Racism." —  Marie K, Munich

I will be more mindful in what I say and do to treat everyone equally, irregardless of their nationality, race, or color of skin. —  Nancy C, Singapore

I will speak out whenever racially sensitive comments are made - doesn't matter or especially if it was a "joke" or not. —  Anonymous, Dusseldorf

I will strive to grow our diversity recruiting efforts and continue to make Bain a place that all can access and thrive in. —  Pedro C, Dallas

I will educate myself more about racial and social inequity, get engaged in the dialogue to increase awareness globally and donate money to social organizations that fight racism. —  Jacqueline S, Berlin

I will respect everyone. —  Anonymous, Milan

I will - and always have - stand for those who are in minority, as they have exactly the same rights as those who are in majority in a given place and at a given time. —  Anonymous, Warsaw

I will think before I talk! —  Michael B, Munich

I will continue to treat people in the way i was thought to 'we all bleed the same color.' —  Anouschka H, Amsterdam

I will educate myself more & spread the knowledge among my family and friends. Education is key! —  Marta R, Warsaw

I will confront the issue when I see someone being treated unfairly at work because of race. —  Anonymous, Shanghai

I will actively listen, vigorously seek different sources of information, and deeply reflect no matter how uncomfortable.
Anna K, Boston

I will explain to people with a different point of view about racial and social equality; - participate in our training to have a better awareness about the current situation on justice in the world; - live each day by the values of equality between human beings. —  Yuliya K, Warsaw

I will promote diversity and inclusion within the teams that I work with. —  Radhika V, Singapore

I will educate myself on the topic of racism and social justice and will participate in the unconscious bias training. —  Anonymous, Zurich

I will treat everyone -now and ever- as I´d like to be treated myself. As simple as that. —  Alvaro A, Madrid

I will [attend] a lot of unconscious bias and diversity trainings to sensitize myself about the underlying biases. —  Ayushi K, New Delhi

I will remember that there is always more to learn. Be a better ally. Work harder to understand. Take action whenever and however I can. —  Devon G, Boston

I will educate myself (reading daily articles, a weekly documentary, and a monthly book), have uncomfortable discussions with my parents, diversify my social media feeds, lead an office-wide weekly article/podcast discussion series to continue the conversation, hold weekly article/podcast discussions with friends, set up a recurring donation to the ACLU. —  Anonymous, Atlanta

I will learn more: read White Fragility, How to be an Anti-racist, and White Supremacy and Me; watch 13th; listen to 1619. I will commit half of my charitable giving to organizations that promote racial equity and that disproportionately benefit communities of color. I will actively mentor people of color at Bain. —  Erika S, New York

I will speak up when I see discrimination or any forms of bias that lead to racial or social inequity. —  Anonymous, Munich

I will donate to organizations that are committed to racial justice, protest social inequity, and vote in local elections to elevate political candidates who share my ambitions of equality for all people. —  Deepak I, Boston

I will donate to local organizations that are providing food, shelter and childcare to our local Minneapolis community. —  Anonymous, Minneapolis

I will examine my own actions, educate myself, support my black colleagues, and donate to anti-racism causes. —  Anonymous, Boston

I will read books reflecting the experiences of Blacks in America, have conversations about systemic racism, and donate. —  Julia G, San Francisco

I will educate myself and my family, amplify the dialogue within my community and Bain teams, contribute time and resources to local causes that bolster foundational change. —  Suzanne T, New York

I will take the time to fully educate myself and my children on the history of racism in this country. I will personally support causes and elected officials who are committed to addressing the systemic drivers of racial and social inequity, and especially those who are willing to advocate for transformational change. I will not be a silent observer any longer. —  Eric G, Chicago

I will work to increase my depth of understanding on racial and socio-economic inequity, through reading and research, introspection, and real dialogue with my colleagues, friends and family. And I commit to act proactively in both my work and personal life to make a difference.
Manny M, San Francisco

I will continue to support efforts to expand access to legal representation for disadvantaged members of our communities. —  Stuart M, Boston

I will make my views heard on the issue of racial and social inequity. —  Anonymous, Hong Kong

I will take personal action. I have attended two BLM protests with my family. We will go to more. We are directing our spending to a list of black-owned businesses in our area. I will continue my study of America's shameful post-Reconstruction history. There are also more actions I can and must take professionally to support racial equality and I pledge to keep them top of mind not just today or this year, but for the remainder of my career. —  Tim R, Boston

I will commit to educating myself by purchasing books from Black owned booksellers and listening to the plight of Black men and women in my community. I will dedicate my vote, my time, and recurring financial support to amplify Black voices and advocate for the health, wealth and happiness of my Black brothers and sisters. I will work hard to recognize my own privileged and identify opportunities to relinquish that privilege to help tear down systemic racism in our country. I will listen. I will show up. I will keep going in the name of progress and EQUALITY for Black men, women and children. —  Gemma L, Houston

I will become more informed about the history of racial inequality in America, speak up whenever I see someone treat a person of color unfairly, and donate to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. —  Camila R, Boston

I will donate $100/month to racial justice organizations (likely EJI or the Bail Project). read at least 3 books this year about racial injustice and how to combat it, and at least 3 other works by Black authors. —  Hayley H, Dallas

I will raise my voice and combat structural biais in order to eliminate any racial and social inequity within or outside or firm. —  Elie M, Brussels

I will commit all of my personal donations toward racial equity organizations Engage in weekly conversations with my family with my family - we are reading Why I'm no Longer Talking to White People about Race this week Creating signs and posting our commitment to Racial Equality across our small town in NH. —  Kara G, Boston

I will always make sure that I do not form any opinions on the people I engage with before I get to know them. Of course, I can still think that someone is not doing a good job or I can still dislike someone afterwards - but this must always be based on this person's job or behavior, not on his or her ethnic group, sex, or sexuality.  —  Valentin Q, Berlin

I will actively search for and promote people with different skin colors in the system. I will promote our values and beliefs around equality for all. —  Gaute A, Oslo

I will educate myself and my family on the role that my ethnic group plays in racism against the Black community. —  Anonymous, San Francisco

I will participate in peaceful protests of racial injustice. I will share perspectives and insights with friends and family, as part of my ongoing efforts to "do the work" of becoming a better ally. —  Tom S, Boston

I am proud of my kids... I will learn from them how to combat racial & social inequality, talking to their friends, reading what they recommend, watching the movies and documentaries that they think are important. I will double my financial commitment to support refugees arriving in the UK. —  Mattew M, London

I will continue to focus material personal time and my pro-bono work supporting high quality, high impact nursery and preschool interventions to inflect the life outcomes for children in disadvantaged black and minority communities. —  Mike G, London

I will volunteer more time and resources to action oriented organizations working to put an end to racism and injustice in our communities. I will listen, speak up, and discuss topics of race openly with my family, friends, and professional colleagues to find ways to help foster equality and opportunities for all regardless of race. —  Steve M, Chicago

I will prompt more dialogue with my family and business colleagues about the topic of racial and social inequity, support broader community conversations and contribute to relevant causes.
Anonymous, New York

I will commit to developing Black and other under-represented talent within Bain through recruiting, coaching, training and sponsorship. —  Ed O, San Francisco

I will further push diversity and equality to ensure we make a difference. —  Anonymous, Frankfurt

I will develop a hiring strategy to ensure a more diverse team as we grow. —  Blake C, London

I will set up a recurring donation to bail funds and post incarceration relief. —  Krystle J, Chicago

I will commit to learning and acting more in support of racial and social equity. We, as a family, have begun a process of reading, listening, reflecting, and discussing how we can and will do more. —  Michael C, Chicago

I will raise my son to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. I commit to talking about racial and social inequality in our household and not ignore the issues. I commit to speaking up when I see injustice. —  Bekah T, Boston

I will educate myself and lead productive dialogue within the Asians At Bain community on how to be better allies to African Americans. I will donate to causes driving tangible change. —  Sid K, Chicago

I will: Be more courageous and action-oriented. Educate myself better on the history and stay informed on policies to combat the current racist system. Vote in both local and national elections and support voter registration. Become a mentor in the community to bridge the equity gap. Ingrain empathy and anti-racism into my thoughts and conversations. —  Matt B, Dallas

I will support a local organization in the US working to reduce racial inequality. —  Gail E, Berlin

I will continue to support local, black businesses in the Boston area. —  Lauren D, Boston

I will strive to educate myself to be able to educate others and live by example - starting with teaching teenagers with minority background about their rights, their voice through voting and their collective power through consumer choices. —  Nikolas N, Zurich

I will invest heavily in mentoring minority candidates through my MBA recruiting role, and in those same individuals' career progression when they join Bain. —  Ken F, Boston

I will, to start, educate myself by reading "How to be an antiracist" and working through "me and white supremacy." —  Gerard, Boston

I will vote, serve on juries vs dodging jury duty, push my representatives on police reform, donate to social justice causes, and double down on Bain efforts to drive diversity recruiting and professional development. —  Aaron C, San Francisco

I will fully commit myself to combat racial and social inequity in the society. —  Daniele F, Milan

I will not be silent and speak out when I see forms of discrimination.
Herbert B, London

I will educate myself more deeply by reading and watching key films about combating racism / being an anti-racist and also donate my time and money to organizations working for racial and social equity in our communities. —  Julie C, Chicago

I will educate myself more completely with a selection of books, workshops, and seminars + be more open and direct with my teams about discussing these issues and ensuring that we're creating a supportive, inclusive case team environment vs. "assuming all is well unless someone says something." —  Anonymous, San Francisco

I will educate myself on this history of systemic racism in the United States and how it is part of the fabric of our society, with the goal of finding ways to transform our communities to social equality, as well as address the centuries of pain and egregious injustices. —  Jessica G, New York

I will speak up when I hear or see racial and/or social inequity; be mindful of my own behaviors. —  Joshua P, Boston

I will speak out about racism every time I hear a remark or witness an act with racist overtones. I will also educate myself on anti-racism books, films, articles and essays. —  Patricia M, Dallas

I will donate to racial justice causes. Read and educate myself. I will Vote. I will take action to increase diversity & inclusion at Bain & Co. —  Tamara O, Boston

I will become an ally to the Bain Black Network and proactively seek to sponsor ethnic minority colleagues. —  Anonymous, London

I will teach my four young children to respect diversity in all its forms, and never to support racial or social inequity. I will shift my personal charitable contributions to more directly benefit disadvantaged people. At work, I will personally spend more time working with social impact investment funds to benefit the people suffering the most from the inequality in our society. —  Hugh M, Boston

I will listen to and read stories and experiences, educate myself, and be fully open to tackling racial and social injustice. I will continue to volunteer, donate, and help out in any way I can to show the community I am here, I care, and I want change. —  Anonymous, Atlanta

I will ensure the books I read to my children (fact and fiction) have a high number of heros / heroines who are not purely white and male. —  Ed S, London

I will make a conscious effort to support black-owned businesses in my community. I will also educate myself and others by reading more books on racism and inequality and recommending them to my friends and family. —  Anonymous, Boston

I will educate myself on the things my privilege allows me to overlook. —  Anonymous, Sydney

I will celebrate diversity with my children (6 and 3) so that they reject racism, and acceptance is always ingrained in the way they think and act. —  Anonymous, Los Angeles

I will help fix structural impediments to race and social equality in the workplace that are sometimes overlooked. —  Derek G, Dallas

I will educate myself on racial and social inequity to learn how I can be a better ally - Go out of my way to mentor our diverse candidates to help mentor them to be successful at Bain, to want to stay at Bain, and to become future leaders at Bain - Volunteer to help with our diversity recruiting programs (especially the BEL program) - Continue to give money to political advocacy groups (Mind the Gap) to help ensure leaders who support racial and social inequity will get elected into office - Talk to my kids often about this topic and help them be aware of their racial privilege, and racial and social inequity. —  Andy N, Boston

I will always treat every person equally regardless of race or skin color, since we all want to be treated with dignity and respect, as one big team we are stronger together!
Max B, Munich

I will always actively speak up against any form of racial and social inequalities that come to my attention. —  Michael T, Shanghai

I will not stay silent not be either a subject or a proponent of any microaggression that happens in my presence. —  Kiran K, Singapore

I will seek to increase my understanding so that I can be more at cause to combat inequity. —  Greg G, Dallas

I will strive to help high performance education organizations that serve disadvantaged students scale and increase their impact. I will grow our education practice and create more opportunities for Bainies to serve high performance educational organizations during their time at Bain; I will help alumni find and succeed in social impact leadership roles. I will donate 1/3 of my after-tax income to charity; encourage others to develop personal philanthropic objectives and plans. —  Chris B, Boston

I will call out a racist comment when I hear it and use my voice as an ally. —  Conor L, Boston

I will (1) Personally fund an additional leadership team matching fund for the FRWD employee pool, on top of any potential Bain matching, to increase the impact of our employee donations; (2) Volunteer in local Twin Cities community relief efforts, including distributing groceries/staples and clothing to families in need; (3) Continue to participate in marches geared toward influencing change in policing tactics and in support of the broader BlackLivesMatter agenda; (4) Listen and become more educated through our FRWD employees, who are doing an amazing job sharing perspectives and data, and champion their desired actions we can take as a FRWD/Bain organization or independently. —  Doug M, Minneapolis

I will treat all others as I expect to be treated myself and up my game in educating myself about racial and social inequity. I will raise my children to do the same. —  Richard H

I will role model our values every day and make a contribution to institutions that I believe share the same set of values. —  Harshveer S, Singapore


I will neither look away nor hear away and stand up for parties concerned, present or absent.
Christian I, Frankfurt

I will use my platform and influence (budgets and hiring) to reflect the values of empowering Black & Latinx stakeholders. — KB, Chicago

I will better educate myself (watch 13th, read Waking up White), more frequently engage my family in discussions of race and use my platform to engage other social and business leaders – to share our actions, learn from theirs and collectively accelerate progress. — Ivan H, Los Angeles

I will 1. Directly elevate the social equity imperative in the Sustainability Agenda of our clients 2. Personally champion diversity and inclusion training into our senior global training. —  Brian M, Perth

I will never shy away from conversations that are deemed difficult/uncomfortable and always be an ally. —  HSB, Sydney

I will always call out where I see inequity, not look down and carry on. —  Anonymous, Sydney

I will actively engage in conversations to challenge racial and social inequality with individuals who do not understand the current movement. —  Anonymous, Melbourne

I will call out and actively seek for opportunities to structurally address all situations of racial and social inequality that I am aware of. —  Veronique P, Amsterdam

I will keep working on my unconscious bias. —  Anonymous, Paris

I will teach my kids there are many different types of races, people with different cultural backgrounds and skin colors across the globe, we are all equal individuals, we can be friends. —  Sujin W, Shanghai

I will continue explaining to all my teams the richness of working with diverse groups and the personal reward i personally feel when working into a multi-cultural environment. —  Arnaud L, Paris

I will educate myself on racial and social injustice by watching documentaries (e.g. 13th on Netflix), reading (e.g. White Fragility) and having difficult but necessary conversations with friends. I will raise my voice in the face of racial injustice (intentional or unintentional) and be open to feedback on my unconscious bias. —  Stephanie V, Brussels

I will actively encourage our local offices to launch specific social impact actions in our different countries to combat racial and social inequalities and personally engage to ensure we mobilize for the success of these actions. I will also support my kids' actions in their schools and communities. —  Domenico, Paris

I will drive listening, conversation and action to promote racial and social equity. —  Nicolas W, Brussels

I will do whatever possible in my capacity as Chief Talent Officer for Germany/Switzerland to further advance our thinking and doing regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. —  Georg S, Munich

I will contribute to bail funds, actively mentor a person of color in the Bain ranks and help the Boston office find great local/national companies to partner with for Pro Bono work. —  Nafi I, Boston

I will intercept in conversations within Bain and with clients if I sense that any person is being affected by discriminatory behavior. —  Steffen R, Frankfurt

I will raise my children to be anti-racists and speak up when I see racism in action. —  Teresa D, Boston

I will work diligently to better educate myself on my white privilege and unconscious bias. Specifically I will read books, watch movies, and listen to podcasts and will not put this burden on my black friends and colleagues to educate me. —  Ashley F, Atlanta

I will read more and amplify messages of systematic racism.
Peter T, New York

I will further educate myself on the drivers of racial and social inequity, increase and sustain my commitment to supporting organizations that are pushing for solutions, and ensure that my children grow up to be active allies in the community. —  Kent K, Chicago

I will become much more proactive. I will research candidates in local, state and federal elections and make my vote count. I will allocate more of my spend with minority owned businesses. I will encourage my family and friends to do the same. —  Anonymous, Chicago

I will not conduct myself differently based on the social class and racial profile of the person in front of me, be it in personal or professional settings. I will continue to support (through my vote, by financial contributions / donations) NGOs and organizations that combat social inequity and racism. —  Borja T, Madrid

I will educate myself and commit to being anti-racist (as opposed to simply non-racist), speak out against racism and social inequity whenever I can, and use my privilege for change (be it big or small). —  Val T, Bangkok

I will continue to support activities in my local community focusing on access to schooling and apprenticeship for everyone. —  Christian L, Zurich

I will be much more mindful and disciplined in taking advantage of opportunities to promote racial equality and social justice. —  Rudy P, Chicago

I will raise my children to be tolerant and stand up for racial and social equity. — Anonymous

I will call out friends and family when they (unintentionally or intentionally) say something racially offensive. Speaking out against everyday racism is key to changing perception. — Frederik S 

I will listen and learn, donate to causes promoting social justice, be an ally and speak up in the face of injustice and racism, take an active role in solving the systemic problems of racial and social inequity. — Ann A

I will educate myself, speak and stand strong and push forward with anyone who wants to struggle through to combat racial and social inequity! — B Lodhi, Dallas

I will up my game in educating myself about racial inequity (listening, reading), and commit to putting my money where my mouth is by supporting POC-owned businesses. — Katie S, San Francisco

I will start getting active on social networks against any kind of racism - a matter which is beyond any understanding for any educated and reasonable person. A shame that it's a topic at all in 2020. So we have to act against it even stronger. I want our children to look at it like at ancient sickness: with incomprehension, asking what this actually was, because it is completely absent. — Sebastian W, Berlin

I will help campaign on behalf of key politicians who share my strong commitment to combating racial and social inequity. — Anonymous, London

I will read 5 books recommended by my kids on anti racism and discuss with family and my two music organisations and change our priorities. I will volunteer for anything at Bain to promote better recruiting and mentor ship of BAB. — Jimmy, London

I will commit to educating myself on past racial injustices, which both includes learning more, but also unlearning some of the ways that we have been taught. Furthermore, I will donate and support causes that are committed to reducing racial injustices and breaking down barriers to social and racial equity. — Arjun R, London

I will (1) Raise my kids in the firm belief that all humans are created equal, (2) Financially support national and international non-profits in their fight against inequity. — Inga V, Zurich

I will treat everyone I meet - no matter their race, origin, gender or sexual orientation - like I'd want to them to treat me. — Ilja O, Helsinki

I will read 10 books by black authors by the end of 2020. — Anonymous

I will continue to educate myself and learn how to use my voice as an ally. — Anonymous

I am committing to the following: 1. I will use my white privilege as a shield and place myself physically between peaceful BLM protesters and the police, even though it scares me 2. I will vote more actively in my local elections, and will ensure that a track record of supporting equal rights for blacks is one of the issues that will most guide my decision making 3. I will purchase a large number of "Black Lives Matter" yard signs, put one in my yard, and go door-to-door down my street to offer them free to my neighbors. I will not chicken out of trying to have the hard conversation if someone doesn't approve of my offer. 4. I will have tough conversations with friends or family members when / if they express racist ideas 5. I will pay particular attention in recruiting to the black candidates, and speak up if I feel someone is not being given a fair chance 6. I will not forget that this is important when the wave of news coverage and social media posts die down 7. I will identify more than the above 6 things to do, because I know this is not enough. — Sierra S, Washington D.C

I will commit my time and energy to educating myself on the ways racism remains pervasive in our society today so that I can act for change. — Anonymous

I will learn everything I can and call out injustice and barriers to equality.
Zoe G

I will commit to raising awareness, becoming educated, and helping change the world. — Anonymous

I will commit to educating myself, to more actively listening, to standing up in my community for social equity, to engaging with lawmakers, and contributing financially. — Tom H, San Francisco

I will prioritize networking with black student groups on my undergraduate campus in hopes of a 2021 intern and full time class with more black consultants. — Anonymous, Washington D.C

I will strive to eliminate microaggressions from my communications in everything I write and say, learn more about the experiences of others and build more space for inclusive behavior everywhere I go. — Anonymous, Boston

I will stop considering myself as a role model in social and racial equity and start looking at my own behavior and actions (or lack thereof) more critically. I will be extra vigilant to any indirect and/or unconscious bias that may arise in my work (internal and with clients.) I will not let any abnormal situation ignored go and/or unaddressed. I will hold myself and my teams accountable to the highest standards. I will openly invite colleagues to give me feedback and share their experience with me. — Bertrand P, Paris

I will join a protest and try to meet and interact with people I would normally not cross paths with. It's not huge, but I feel like if everyone did that it would make a big difference. — Brad K, Boston

I will donate to causes advancing racial and social equity, have difficult conversations with peers about bias and privilege, and share a message about the importance of equality and peace with others. — Peter D, Chicago

I will consistently donate to anti-racism organizations; ensure my content consumption (books, movies, etc.) includes a diversity of voices and seek to amplify the voices of black creators; speak up without fear against intentional or unintentional discriminatory comments inside and outside the workplace; seek to support anti-racism organizations in my community with my time, voice, and other meaningful actions. — Pooja J, Atlanta

I will educate myself to be a better ally. — Anonymous, Washington D.C

I will educate myself through reading and talking with others so that I better understand how my behaviour may contribute to racial inequality and what I can do to change that. — Amy T, London

I will check in with my black coworkers, donate as much as I can, attend protests, call out racism when I see it and educate myself by doing research on the black experience and on how I/we as a society can support the black community. — Anonymous, Washington D.C

I will continue to be vocal and educate myself about my white privilege and encourage others to do the same so we can facilitate change in our local communities. — Ashley B, Boston

I will better educate myself and my young children about racism so that we can all become more active allies. I will also join BABs in the NY office to support the efforts of the firm and our local team. — Becky I, New York

I will make sure I am rightly educated, so I can use that to show/convince other people of the racial and social inequity that exists and how we all can help. — Jeremy S, Amsterdam

I will commit to interviewing at least one person from an ethnic minority for every vacancy as I build my team. I will work with HR to develop a paid internship in my department for someone from an ethnic minority. I will never give work experience, internships or interviews to children of staff, friends' children or other people in my network, choosing people through a fair and robust recruitment process. I will stand up when I see injustice against people who are not from my own community. — Anonymous

I will listen. learn. donate. vote. take action when I see or hear something racist or unjust. — Molly R, Boston

I will never stop educating myself on history, people's experience today, and what I can personally do to make change every day. — Anonymous, Chicago

I will continue to educate my children on how we can be agents of change.
Nirad J, New York

I will actively work to normalize discussions about racism and racial inequality both at Bain and in my life outside of work. This will be uncomfortable at times, but is a necessary first step to making widespread change. — Abby S, Chicago

I will educate myself, and actively support for the racial discussion to be based on data, without losing perspective of the human layer, always considering the specificities of racism in Brazil, recognizing that our solution and our problem are not the same as in developed countries. — Brian S, Sao Paulo

I will donate to bail programs to help people get out of jail as they await trial for non-violent crimes. That way they can go home and continue to work, be a part of their families, and communities. — Anonymous, Boston

I will: Listen. Support. Encourage. Change. Volunteer. Donate. Vote. Remember. Intervene. Engage. Contribute. Speak up. Teach. Love. — David, Minneapolis

I will commit to contributing my money, time and skills to organizations that combat racial inequality. — Ana-Lisa J, Boston

I will listen and take action following the lead of the black community. I will identify unconscious bias when I see it, acknowledge it, learn from it. I will be a more vocal ally. — Alice L, Boston

I will continue educating my self on ANTI-RACIST practices and actively be a part of efforts in and out of the office. — Anonymous, New York

I will learn about racial inequality's history, listen to the past and present struggles of my colleagues regarding inequity, become more aware of my own bias and fight against it, speak up in situations where there is racism or social inequity, use my race and social privilege to the benefit of other less privileged and become an ally to the BBN. — Maria E, London

I will fight unconscious bias. — Sebastien D

I will speak up when I experience racism. — Patrick G

I will donate to organizations that promote racial equity; have uncomfortable conversations with family members; educate myself on the history of Black oppression; listen and stand with the Black community; raise my voice. — Anonymous, San Francisco

I will make an ongoing commitment to redistribute my salary to causes which combat racism, especially the institutional racism experienced by Black people in the US. — Sarah C, San Francisco

I will continue to strive for the highest levels of professional success to 1) serve as an inspiration to my fellow people of color navigating the obstacle course of "Corporate America" and 2) help remove these obstacles. — Anonymous, New York

I will help formally establishing racial and social equity as one of the Bogota office's Social Impact pillars. — Leonardo F, Bogota

I will educate myself about systemic racism by reading books and articles written by black authors. I will deepen my understanding of how broken and deeply racist structures perpetuate an environment in which law enforcement officers operate with impunity. I will advocate in my community for tangible solutions to fix these broken systems. I will not disengage. I will persist until there is justice. — CM, Boston

I will learn about how to be a better ally. I will donate to organizations focused on racial and social equity. I will talk to my children about racial and social equity. I will speak up and stand up for others if I see behaviors that don't align with these values. — Anonymous, Chicago

I will encourage my teams to have an open dialogue on race and inclusion.
Abi C, Dallas

I will take the time to educate myself on how to become a true ally. — Anonymous, Washington D.C

I will educate myself, beginning with reading with my new book club. We are starting with White Fragility. I will educate others, beginning with having difficult conversations about anti-racism at the dinner table with my parents, which I previously avoided because "it wasn't worth the fight." I will use my role as people manager to create space for my team members to talk about how they are feeling, take the space that they need, and adjust work schedules to participate in protests, reflection, and other acts of activism if they so choose. — Alexa E, New York

I will help push our Bain's philosophy forward in Latin America, where racial and social inequality is as important as it is crucial to our development. — Juan M, Bogota

I will provide a monthly donation to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund to support legal action in the effort for racial justice. I will educate myself by consuming material that will both inform on the truths of racial injustice in America and around the world and push my thinking on how I can be a part of the solution (e.g., "How To Be An Anti-Racist" by Ibram X. Kendi) I will use my education to better engage on the topic of racial injustice with black colleagues/friends and to spread my learning to others in need of it. I will speak up when I am a witness to injustice or ignorance. I will acknowledge my privilege. I will make an effort to listen and be open to new ideas for how I can move myself and our society forward on these issues. — Joe F, Chicago

I will actively recognize my implicit bias and put in the work to become a stronger ally. — Calvin B, Boston

I will actively speak out in my community, provide my time and resources to local organizations, and continue developing myself while unabashedly embracing my Blackness more within Bain. — Andrew W, Dallas

I will read, listen and learn about racial inequity with my fellow Black colleagues, as well as actively reflect on my thoughts and actions to avoid replicating or perpetuating racist behaviors. I will also personally commit to help increase the number of Black Bainies in Brazil. — Mariana J, Sao Paulo

I will donate to the Equal Justice Initiative, an organization committed to criminal justice reform, racial equality, and public education of racial injustice. I will also vote in upcoming elections - national, state, and local - and pledge to support candidates of under-represented racial/minority backgrounds to ensure more representation at all levels of government. — Luke S, Chicago

I will research and educate myself in order to better educate those around me. I will join organizations that provide easy access to tangible action items available to support various racial injustices (such as petitions to sign, organizations to donate to, etc.) while I research and discover which long term action items I want to commit to. I will have difficult conversations with friends and family members. I will publicly and privately admit to my white privileged and figure out ways to utilize it to help combat racial and social inequity rather than furthering my own comfort. I will commit to being my most authentic self throughout all of the above. — Ilana E, Boston

I will participate in more of the affinity groups here at Bain. — Krishna S, Boston

I will: 1) Commit to being uncomfortable, speaking up when I hear racist or biased language; 2) create accountability groups with friends to make sure we remain committed to racial justice after the headlines fade; 3) Continue talking with my white family and friends about how we can continue to challenge structures of white supremacy in our lives and communities. — Laua S, Boston

I will make sure my children read books that include characters from diverse backgrounds. — Anonymous, New York

I will attend more protests - have already attended the big Boston Black Lives Matter protest and will attend my second this weekend. I hope that my presence unto itself will mean something even if small, and also I hope my presence will role model activist behavior to my two girls. — Suzanne R, Boston

I will hold my firm leadership accountable in changing Bain's culture of silence and compliance about racial/social inequality issues. — Anonymous, Chicago

I will and have (!) donated my money, time, and energy toward combating racial injustice and social inequality. I know I don't have all the answers, so I will continue financially supporting organizations that I believe in to make sure they have the resources they need to keep doing good work. — Emma P, Atlanta

I will donate my time and money to organizations committed to advancing racial and social justice and improving conditions in communities of color. I will use my voice, and my ballot on Election Day, to support police reform and criminal justice reform. When I hear misinformation, bigotry, or indifference, I will speak up - even when it is uncomfortable or inconvenient to do so. — Emily H, Seattle

I will stop standing idly by on the sidelines and step into the fray. I will combat injustice and intolerance with empathy and love for my black colleagues, friends, and neighbors. More concretely, I will be protesting, donating and voting.
Jamie M, New York

I will make recurring donations to the Chicago Freedom School; I will make calls to public officials for CPD oversight and a removal of police presence in Chicago Public Schools; I opened an account in a black-owned bank; I will be reading, watching, listening, and talking to continually educate and challenge myself. — Molly R, Chicago

I will donate to organizations that seek to eradicate racial injustice. — Patricia B, New York

I will learn and listen, reflect and take responsibility for my actions. I will be an active and conscientious combatant to the systemic racism I've been afforded the ability to ignore because, if anything, it has positively impacted me. I will give - my time, my money, and my attention - to different causes and different voices. I will have the hard conversations, because this matters more to me than fear of alienating the people in my life. I will consciously unlearn my understanding of racism and commit to being better everyday in a series of micro ways - following black bloggers and influencers, actively seeking out black-owned businesses, reading more by black authors. I will stand beside my black brothers and sisters and take responsibility for my implicit involvement in a structure that has held them down. — Izzy R, Seattle

I will dedicate at least one of my runs each week to educate myself and listen to podcasts regarding black matters (e.g., code switch, 1619, etc.) I will volunteer at and donate to a boys and girls club in an under-served community in my city. — Tina S, Chicago

I will work to identify and address my own unconscious biases. I will work diligently to promote racial and social equity within my circle and actively call out racist rhetoric when I see/hear it. I will support organizations (e.g. BLM, etc.) that are working towards racial and social equity. — Kyle G, Boston

I will engage in dialogue with my family and Asian-American peers when they share anti-Black sentiments. — Tyler B, Chicago

I will educate myself and others, and use my voice and resources to fight and dismantle institutionalized racism and social inequality. — Tayo D, Toronto

I will treat everyone I meet kindly, with truth, respect, and integrity. We are all equals, we are all connected. — Jamie L, San Francisco

I will correct my family, friends, co-workers, and clients when they say anti-racist remarks. I will continue to amplify Black voices on my social media platforms. I will continue to listen, read, and educate myself so that I can be better and better educate those around me. I will stand up when I see racism in action. — Rachel D, Chicago

I will educate my kids about racial inequities and diversity. I will read more books on racial inequities. I will speak out when I see inequities. — Ali N, Boston

I will go ahead with my strong commitment to fight against any form of racial and social inequity: Bain's Social Impact commitment, our proven ability to work with less advantage people our ability to do concrete things (and not simply talking about it) , all these actions are the best answer to racial and social inequity. — Franco B, Milan

I will actively engage myself and others in productive conversation on the topic of social and racial inequity. I will continue to invest in those from diverse racial and socio-economic backgrounds through mentorship and coaching. I will invest in organizations working to increase transparency, training and policy enforcement within our institutions to identify and disqualify bad actors within our systems that do not operate on principals of social and racial equality. — Sonja P, Boston

I will educate myself on systemic racism and get smarter on my own unconscious biases so I can be a better ally. I will also identify and donate to initiatives directly benefiting black communities. — Apurv G, Los Angeles

I will seek out opportunities to shift my spending to local Black or minority owned businesses, listen to Black activists for what help they need, and set up recurring donations to organizations working to address structural inequality. — Casey S, Boston

I will educate myself (more) and my daughter, and bring racial education and the appreciation of diversity, representation, equity, and inclusion into our schools. I will dedicate my time and expertise to racial and social justice and equity efforts. — Neysa C, Chicago

I will call-out unconscious racism and discrimination of all forms wherever I see it, and frequently pause to test my own actions are reaching the same high standards I expect of everyone else.
Rob G, South Africa

I will safely attend small gatherings of support, use my social media as a platform for current issues and continue researching how I can assist the Black community. — Hayley, Boston

I will get educated! — Anonymous, New York

I will call anyone out who consciously or subconsciously discriminates. — Anonymous, Zurich

I will continue to exemplify a non-tolerance mind-set for racial discrimination on my case teams and at client settings. — Fritz L, Zurich

I will fight aggressively to break down the systemic barriers to combating police bigotry and violence, such as union resistance to firing bad cops, training, hiring, and policy. — Rob M, New York

I will educate myself. I will speak up for my black colleagues when they are in the room and when they aren't. I will actively listen. I will put in the work! — Lauren L, New York

I will seek others' perspectives and affirm them. I will speak up when I see injustices. — Jordan C, Dallas

I will educate myself, my family and community about unconscious biases we may be harboring, the reality of racism today, and how we can start changing for a more understanding and tolerant world. — Kesha K, Atlanta

I will strive to shift more of my purchases to black owned businesses, ensure that I talk to my daughter about race, and lean into the conversation even and especially when it is uncomfortable. — Jennifer K, Boston

I will bear witness and educate myself, change my behaviors and spend more money with black owned businesses, be present and attentive and hold others accountable, protest and lend my voice in my community, investigate how I can redirect the power I have to dismantling the racist system it currently supports. — Michael W, New York

I will work to better educate myself, my family, and my friends so that we can be a stronger pillar of support to those who are the targets of injustice and oppression. I also commit to raising anti-racist, feminist children and to foster a strong practice, as a family, of service to communities that do not experience the same level of privilege or receive the same level of resources. — Noah W, Chicago

I will educate myself and my family, I will look for sustainable ways to support people of color in my community, and I will not shy away from uncomfortable conversations about racial injustices. — Sydney S, Chicago

I will ensure my teams have dedicated time on a regular basis to discuss racial and social inequity - fostering an environment of open discussion and proactive inclusion. — Daniel W, Dallas

I will offer my support to help immigrants to feel included in our society, not at the margin of it. — Davide L, Milan

I will continue educating myself, listening, and speaking up as an ally. — Anonymous, Boston

I will educate myself more deeply about the topic (starting with 'White Fragility' and 'Raising White Kids'). I will raise my children to be proactive, anti-racists. I will be an even more proactive, 'at-cause', visible and vocal mentor to our BAB, LATBA and WAB communities. — Yael M, Boston

I will learn to really listen, intently and actively, and do my best to appreciate experiences, emotions and circumstances that I've not had to deal with in my personal life.
Erol M, Boston

I will read with my daughter about racial and social inequity on a routine basis; offer care, love and support to my friends and colleagues however possible; donate and participate in causes that aim to rid our planet of racial and social injustices. — Alison H, New York

I will speak up when I see racism, microaggressions, or acts implicit bias - even when uncomfortable. — Dave E, Dallas

I will continue to educate myself on the role of race in America, call out and combat racism in any form whenever it may appear, and engage politically to work towards providing equal opportunities for people of all socio-economic statuses, genders, and races, especially BIPOC. — James M, New York

I will commit to taking at least one distinct action each day to further educate myself and others. — Alison M, Boston

I will continue to name racism aloud, systemic or otherwise, whenever and wherever I witness it, and regardless from whom it comes. And I have taught my children to do the same. — Anonymous, Boston

I will enter into difficult conversations with white family members and friends who are not yet willing to be a part of the solution. I will educate myself on systemic racism in our country through reliable sources and first-hand accounts to be a more informed ally. I will listen to and fight for my black friends, family members, and co-workers in majority spaces and stand up for social justice. — Kiley W, Atlanta

I will actively search, for me and my family, real occasion (i.e. job, children school, friends, free time) to get in touch with different ethnical proveniences, religious believes, political thoughts. I truly believe in the value and in the richness of being all different, all unique, all respectful, all together stronger. — Alessandro, Milan

I will continue to treat everyone equally regardless of skin color. — Markus P, Berlin

I will listen, learn and act. I will not only work to better myself, but also my family and my community. It is time for change. — Anonymous, Dallas

I will find out if my 401K is invested in companies that are part of the prison industrial complex or other companies contributing to racial inequity and reinvest to support companies leading on social justice. — Anonymous, New York

I will instill in my kids knowledge of racial and social inequity and our obligation to do all that we can to combat it. — Anonymous, New York

I will make sure these conversations continue in the workplace and beyond for many weeks beyond this one. — Kyle R, Boston

I will hold myself and my peers accountable when insensitive comments are made towards another person or group. I will continue to work on educating myself on the injustices happening in my community and our country and look for ways to help those being oppressed. I will no longer be silent or be "color blind." — Luisa V, Chicago

I will donate when and where I can to organizations working to combat inequality, educate and have conversations with people in my community that I have access to that others may not, offer support and love to all POC but especially to my friends and colleagues both now and in the coming weeks/months/years as inequality is not something we combat when it's trending but something we must combat everyday. — Anonymous, Atlanta

I will talk openly to my child about racial equality and how we must love one another, not pass judgment, and treat each other with kindness, no matter the color of our skin. — Kelly C, Atlanta

I will unapologetically fight for justice until we are all truly equal.
Shane M, New York

I will be more compassionate and empathetic to my black colleagues and neighbors. I will be an ally for my black community members. I look forward to learning and listening to their experiences of battling injustice and inequity so I can be a better colleague, friend and neighbor. — Ben M, Boston

I will be more careful of the way I speak, as to not use racial or gender specific expressions with negative connotations. — Anonymous, Bogota

I will live out the principles instilled in me by my mother, a lifelong social worker, to always commit a portion of my time and resources to partnering with underserved communities and opening doors for individuals who may not have previously been given an opportunity. — Kyla G, Boston

I will challenge statements made by my friends, family, and others that detract from the ideal of racial and social equity. — Clay C, Houston

I will make it goal to reach out to my neighbors of color and make them feel more included and welcomed in the neighborhood. I will speak up loudly and strongly when I see others berating people because of the color of their skin. I will seek to be more inclusive in all circles of my life - ensuring more points of view. — Chris B, Boston

I will: Donate. Protest. Listen. Educate myself. Hold Bain accountable. — Kelly B, Boston

I will let my Black friends know I'm there for them, donate, read, and set a recurring reminder to interrogate my actions, or lack thereof, in times when there is not an immediate news cycle to respond to. — Anonymous, San Francisco

I will seek out ways to learn more about the struggles of my fellow Bainies and try to be a better ally and advocate. — Alexandra B, Dallas

I will lead by example, and continue to love, listen and empathize. — Anonymous, Chicago

I will be an ally in standing with those are suffering racial and social inequity and will try to better understand and be consciously aware of how my white privilege makes my experiences substantively different than what many other people have experienced. — Danielle S, New York

I will donate to organizations that advance social and economic justice; confront racism or other such ignorance when I see it, whether directed at me or others; become more informed about the issues by reading, listening, and learning; and engage in conversations with family and friends about these topics. — Eric X, Boston

I will devote more time to giving back to under-served communities. — Jackie H, Boston

I will educate myself through a range of media (podcasts, articles, movies) showcasing minority perspectives, donate as I'm able to causes advancing social equity, and increase my political activism by engaging on local budget items in addition to federal level advocacy (phone calls, emails, voting!). — Hannah D, Atlanta

I will educate myself on my privilege by reading books, listening to podcasts and watching documentaries on systematic racism in America. I am also committing to donating my money and time to organizations dedicated to racial equality and social justice such as Campaign Zero, Black Lives Matter and Color of Change. — Jill D, Boston

I will eduate myself with all the resources on racial inequality to become actively anti-racist. — Meghan T, Dallas

I will donate daily to different organizations committed to fighting for systematic change and to help those most in need around the country (leveraging different contacts to find new groups). By reading through these organizations' resources, I hope to become more aware of the challenges faced oppressed groups and how best to lend my support now and in the future. — Janine H, New York

I will raise my children to embrace the beauty of diversity and be courageous in acting against injustice in all of its forms.
Eric L, Boston

I will be a more vocal and active ally for Black Americans both inside and outside Bain. Speak directly to the Black experience in America and not resort to general language about diversity, inclusion and support for all marginalized groups when it doesn't directly address the issue at hand. Openly acknowledge my privilege. Listen more and continue to educate myself on how to push beyond supportive words towards actions that make a difference for Black Americans. Raise my daughter to do the same. Donate to organizations fighting racial injustice. Support Black-owned businesses in my neighborhood. Commit to do all of these things not just right now, but on a truly ongoing basis. — Emily R, Los Angeles

I will educate my self about minority experiences and personal stories, history, social justice. I will encourage and engage in open listening and sharing with family on the topic. I will participate in local listening and social justice events. I will "take a knee" in humility and hope at the next opportunity. — Jason L, Los Angeles

I will talk about race and racism much more, especially with other white people. I will not avoid the hard conversations. — Tara M, New York

I will donate to organizations and groups combating racial and social inequity, share my voice and learning resources with others, have conversations with those around me, be there for friends who are acutely feeling the trauma of racial and social inequity (especially current events), participate in protests, and continue to learn about my own privilege and ignorance to ensure that I no longer unknowingly contribute to the systemic racism in society today. — Julia O, San Francisco

I will learn more about racial injustice and how to practice allyship. I will call out racism when I see it in myself and others. I will have conversations about racial justice with my family and friends. I will support black-owned businesses and organizations. I will share what I learn to help raise awareness of the inequity that exists and encourage others to do anti-racist work. — Teresa H, Boston

I will deeply invest in relationships with POC and understand how their "American experience" differs from mine. — Nathan R, Dallas

I will use my privilege to be a stronger ally; educate myself; make room for Black voices. — Anonymous, New York

I will double down on mentorship of our BABs colleagues, serving as a fierce advocate to ensure they get the opportunities, coaching and sponsorship needed to thrive at Bain. I will educate myself about racism; in doing this I commit to NOT making it the responsibility of our black and brown colleagues, either at Bain or at Bridgespan, to teach me. I will recognize my own privledge and impart that knowledge to my children so that they grow up as fierce allies. — AS, San Francisco

I will make a dedicated effort to educate my family on the topic of racial injustice and continue to raise my children to be educated allies. — Emily L, Atlanta

I will be aware of my own biases and actions; Be more open to the 1% possibility; Help to educate people around me to combat racial and social inequality. — Fai A, Bangkok

I will voice against any inequity I see happening. — Abhay B, New Delhi

I will educate myself for racial injustice particularly in Japan and teach it to my children. — Anonymous, Tokyo

I will stand strong with the Bain Community to fight against these social evils. — Anonymous, New Delhi

I will speak with my children about this issue and will introduce more diversity into the books and other media we consume. I will follow more diverse people on social media. I am talking with my friend's who are POCs to better understand their experience; it has already been enlightening and I deeply appreciate their willingness to share. I will discuss this more directly with friends and family who have not had the opportunity to learn about these realities in the ways that I have. — Michelle S, Dallas

I will willingly like to donate and expand Black literature collection and would recommend the people near me to do the same. I came across the list of books and stories written by black authors with varied genres like: contemporary, romance, lgbtq+ and more. Eg: Dear Martin, Opposite of Always, Let Me Hear A Rhyme, The Black Flamingo etc. — Chakshu D, New Delhi

I will learn more about racism in our society and make sure to always listen and give share of voice to non-privileged people.
Isabella S, Sao Paulo

I would never discriminate ever. I have traveled around the world , met people from all kind of cultures , religions and different back grounds. I view the differences as a human asset. My action will be to look around me and react if I see something is unjust and unfair and I will always stand up for racial and social equity. — Cecilia L, Stockholm

I will fund to society / private association. — Anonymous, Milan

I will consciously work on eliminating bias/ prejudices in my interactions with others - especially those formed based on their appearance or communication skills. — Paro K, Mumbai

I will educate myself, question my assumptions and be a more active ally. — Anonymous, Berlin

Being "anti-racist" is to actively fight, whereas simply being "not racist" is to be neutral - I will become significantly and noticeably more "anti-racist"... at home, at work, in my social life and in the media. I have initiated actions on all fronts (eg. writing an joint opinion piece with old friends who have experienced racism directly and indirectly (a Sikh and a Hindu respectively). — Torsten H, Copenhagen

I will tell my black colleagues - current and alumni Bainies. I see you. I empathize with you. I stand with you. I will listen to and learn from you. I personally, and we as an organization, will do better. These are not just words, but firm commitments with actions underway. — Courtney dC, San Francisco

I will donate to organizations who are on the front lines in helping protesters with bail. Educate myself on what racial equity vs equality means. Define actions I can take to be anti-racist. — Anonymous, Chicago

I will donate to initiatives working towards racial equality. I will actively work in recruiting to achieve fair representation within Bain. — Anonymous, Singapore

I will actively call out inappropriate jokes/comments usually taken for granted. — Devanshu D, New Delhi

I will educate myself on how i can overcome any unconscious bias i might have while recruiting new Bainees. — Khaled Z, Dubai

I will speak up in the moment and in an appropriate manner, no matter the antagonist or setting, if I witness any racial/social discrimination or judgment being made against another person. — Andrea L, Singapore

I will educate myself and those around me. — Darcy P, London

I will be more vocal about these issues both on social media and in personal conversations, AND focus more on the positive messages I try to give, rather than being afraid of how my sentences can be twisted and picked apart. — Alara E, Istanbul

I will keep on being open, inclusive, honest, fair, transparent and fully respectful of each human being with whom I will have any relationship, both professionally and personally, no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and whatsoever individual peculiarity she/he may present. — Andrea M, Milan

I will speak out loud and take action when I experience expressions of racism or discrimination. — Henrik N, Hong Kong

I will stand up and speak out against any forms of racial or social inequity.
Ben M, Dubai

I will encourage peers to avoid any unconscious bias in day-to-day conversations. Use my skills to provide pro-bono support to partner NGOs working towards social equality. — Pallavi J, New Delhi

I will engage in discussions with peers and family about our learnings, and coming together as a group to reflect on implicit biases. — Anonymous, New York

I will fight any situation I will meet, day after day. — Vincenzo G, Milan

I will keep reminding myself and others of unconscious bias (e.g. in recruiting), and stand up immediately if there is the slightest doubt. — Christina K, Dusseldorf

I will help everyone who asks for help in changing their career. No one should think that she/he could not achieve her/his dream job because of their social status. — Carlotta B, Milan

I will devote time to educating myself about what it truly means to be anti-racist. I will read, I will listen, I will sign petitions and write emails to legislation, I will donate. I will commit to taking action. — Anonymous, Boston

I will provide ongoing financial support of the ACLU in support of their work with criminal justice reform and immigrants rights. — Anonymous, Atlanta

I will not stand with racist. — Anonymous, Jakarta

I will show my commitment by promoting equal opportunity and diversity in my daily work and life. — Jinju L, Seoul

Given the region I am in one of the biggest regional equality challenges we have is that we have way too few female leaders. Hence I will go all in on doubling the number of female partners we have over the next five years. — Hans HB, Copenhagen

I will not only speak to my children about race and racism more regularly, but also show my children how to be anti-racist. — Nikki R, Boston

I will reach out to my black friends and listen to them about their struggles and aspirations and be of help and of encouragement as much as I can. Try to educate myself and influence people around me to better understand the history of being an underprivileged minority. Voice my support towards the black community and stand alongside them when injustice is present. — Hannah X, Beijing

I will always stand against all forms of racism in the workplace. — JML, Paris

I will seek for opportunities to embed diversity in my immediate environment. — Stefano S, Sydney