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Eventos de reclutamiento

Eventos de reclutamiento

La mejor manera de informarse sobre un rol aquí es venir y hacer preguntas. Nuestros numerosos eventos presenciales y virtuales te darán una idea de nuestra cultura; te mostrarán el trabajo que estamos haciendo en cuanto a diversidad, equidad e inclusión; y te ayudarán a decidir si una de nuestras carreras es adecuada para ti.


Webinars mensuales para conocer nuestro trabajo

Nuestros webinars son el primer paso para entender el trabajo, la vida y la cultura en Bain. Descubre más sobre las industrias con las que trabajamos, como IA, sostenibilidad y capital privado; entérate de las oportunidades, aprende cómo prepararte para las entrevistas y mucho más. 

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Bain es un gran lugar para comenzar, cambiar o acelerar tu carrera. Nuestro equipo de reclutamiento del campus está aquí para guiarte y ansioso por conocerte.


Conócenos y aprende cómo es trabajar aquí

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  • Oficina
  • Mar 23
    2025/1 Bain South America | Selection Process for AC & ACI

    Recruiting Process South America 2025/1 | Brasil & ChileIf you are an undergraduate or a recent graduate (up to four years post-graduation), we have openings for ACI (regular internship), Summer ACI (summer internship), and AC (entry-level full-time position) at our offices in São Paulo and Santiago. Check out the open positions below and apply now!--BRASIL | Processo Seletivo Duplo Diploma/ Graduação no ExteriorPúblico alvo: estudantes brasileiros realizando Duplo Diploma ou Graduação no Exterior, com formatura na graduação prevista para 2025 e 2026Vagas disponíveis: Summer ACI (estágio de férias), ACI (estágio regular) e AC (cargo efetivo)Principais datas:26/02: Webinar sobre a Bain, carreira e processo - pessoas inscritas no processo receberão mais informações por email10/03: Encerramento das inscriçõesMarço: Teste online Gorilla em inglês Março e Abril: Entrevistas de caso após aprovação no teste onlineProcesso seletivo:Fase 1: Teste Gorilla online em inglês. Módulos:Pensamento Crítico | 16 questões em 12 minutosRaciocínio Numérico | 12 questões em 10 minutosAtenção aos detalhes (textual) | 16 questões em 12 minutosFase 2: Entrevistas de caso1st Round | 2 entrevistasLast Round | 2 entrevistasEmail de contato: DoubleDegrees.SouthAmerica@Bain.comBRASIL | Processo Seletivo Estágio e EfetivoPúblico alvo: estudantes e pessoas recém formadas, com data de formatura entre 2021 e 2026Vagas disponíveis: Summer ACI (estágio de férias), ACI (estágio regular) e AC (cargo efetivo)Principais datas:12/03: Evento Institucional (híbrido: escritório Bain São Paulo e online) e eventos on campus em faculdades 21/03: Encerramento das inscrições Março: Teste online Gorilla em portuguêsAbril-Junho: Entrevistas de caso após aprovação no teste online Processo seletivo: Fase 1: Teste Gorilla online em português. Módulos:Pensamento Crítico | 16 questões em 12 minutosRaciocínio Numérico | 12 questões em 10 minutos Atenção aos detalhes (textual) | 16 questões em 12 minutos  Nível de Inglês | 20 questões em 12 minutosFase 2: Entrevistas de caso1st Round | 2 entrevistasLast Round | 2 entrevistas Email de contato: Recruiting.SaoPaulo@Bain.com --CHILE | Proceso Selectivo Prácticas y Posición Fija Público objetivo: Estudiantes y recién graduados, con fecha de graduación entre 2021 y 2026.Vacantes disponibles: ACI (práctica regular) y AC (posición fija).Fechas clave:21/03: Cierre de inscripciones.Marzo: Prueba online Gorilla en españolAbril-Junio: Entrevistas de caso tras la aprobación en la prueba online.Proceso de selección:Fase 1: Prueba Gorilla en línea en español. Módulos:Pensamiento crítico | 16 preguntas en 12 minutosRazonamiento numérico | 12 preguntas en 10 minutosAtención a los detalles (textual) | 16 preguntas en 12 minutosNivel de inglés | 20 preguntas en 12 minutosEntrevistas de caso1st Round | 2 entrevistasLast Round | 2 entrevistas Correo de contacto: Chile.Recruiting@Bain.com

  • Mar 23
    2025 Helsinki | Women's event | The secret sauce to thriving - in-person

    When: March 26, 18:00-22:00Where: Pidot Productions, Abrahaminkatu 7, HelsinkiApplication deadline: March 23, 00:00Women’s eventThe secret sauce to thrivingWhat does pasta-making have to do with consulting at Bain? It’s all about strengthening collective spirit and creative teamwork – the key ingredients for a thriving career in management consulting.Join us for an evening of cooking, connection, and career inspiration, designed for curious women—students and young professionals from all backgrounds. While making different types of pasta, you’ll hear from our women consultants about their secret ingredients for being the best version of themselves at work.We’ll wrap up the evening by enjoying the delicious pasta we’ve made—your perfect opportunity to ask questions about Bain, exchange experiences, and get to know each other in a relaxed and inspiring setting.Apply by March 23 at bain.com/careers with your CV and a short note on why you’d like to join. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Helsinki.Recruiting@Bain.com.

  • Mar 24
    2025 Los Angeles Office Harvard Undergraduate Coffee Chats - In Person

    Bain & Company invites current undergraduates the chance to meet with Bain consultants for in-person coffee chats on March 24th from 1:00 - 4:00pm. These coffee chats will be hosted by a Harvard alumni who is now a consultant in the Bain LA office. This is a great opportunity for students who are interested in a potential career in consulting at Bain - come learn from our Bainies about their transition into consulting and time at Bain so far, as well as ask any questions you may have. Sign up by March 21st to secure a 30-minute conversation on campus. To ensure that everyone gets a chance to ask their questions, please sign-up for only one chat. You will receive a confirmation email with the final details prior to your selected time slot. We look forward to meeting you in-person! 

  • Mar 24
    2025 Harvard/MIT/Tufts University Bain Texas Coffee Chats - In-Person

    Interested in learning more about what being a consultant is like? Join Bain in-person for 20-minute chats and learn more about Bain, consulting, and our Associate Consultant and Associate Consultant Intern roles. These chats are reserved for Harvard / MIT / Tufts undergraduate students who are interested in learning about a career in consulting in Dallas, Houston, or Austin.Please only sign up for ONE session with ONE Bainie this semester as we are only able to offer enough slots for each person to attend one.

  • Mar 24
    2025 Harvard/MIT/Tufts University Bain Seattle Coffee Chats - In-Person

    Interested in learning more about what being a consultant is like? Join Bain in-person for 20-minute chats and learn more about Bain, consulting, and our Associate Consultant and Associate Consultant Intern roles. These chats are reserved for Harvard / MIT / Tufts undergraduate students who are interested in learning about a career in consulting in Seattle.Please only sign up for ONE session with ONE Bainie this semester as we are only able to offer enough slots for each person to attend one.

  • Mar 24
    2025 Harvard Spring Presentation & Networking Night - In person

    Bain & Company's Harvard recruiting team invites you to join our spring presentation and networking night! This information session will take place in-person on Monday, March 24th, at the Charles Hotel from 6:30 - 8:30pm ET and is open to all undergraduate students. During the session, you'll learn about Bain's work and gain insights into our full-time Associate Consultant and summer Associate Consultant Intern roles, which we will be recruiting for this summer and fall. Students of all years and majors are welcome to attend. Please register by March 21st. A confirmation email with final details will be sent prior to the event. We look forward to meeting you in person!

  • Mar 25
    2025 Penn Undergrad Coffee Chats - In-Person

    Bain & Company invites Penn undergraduate students to meet with Bain Associate Consultants for coffee chats prior to our Spring Information Session, on Tuesday, March 25th from 10am - 2pm ET. Join us to gain insight into the the responsibilities of an Associate Consultant and learn more about the work we do at Bain. These conversations will be brief at 20 minutes each.For those of you who are interested in our Seattle office, be sure to register for a timeslot with the "Seattle Host" label! Sign up by Monday, March 24th at 9pm ET to secure a conversation. To ensure that everyone gets a chance to ask their questions, please sign-up for only one chat. You will receive a confirmation email with final details prior to your selected time slot. We look forward to meeting with you on campus! 

  • Mar 25
    2025 Penn Los Angeles Undergrad Coffee Chats - In-Person

    Bain & Company invites Penn undergraduate students to meet with Bain Associate Consultants for coffee chats prior to our Spring Information Session, on Tuesday, March 25th from 10am - 2pm ET. Join us to gain insight into the the responsibilities of an Associate Consultant and learn more about the work we do at Bain and the Los Angeles office. These conversations will be brief at 30 minutes each.Sign up by Monday, March 24th at 12pm ET to secure a conversation. To ensure that everyone gets a chance to ask their questions, please sign-up for only one chat. You will receive a confirmation email with final details prior to your selected time slot. We look forward to meeting with you on campus! 

  • Mar 25
    2025 Penn Undergrad Bain Texas Coffee Chats - Virtual

    Interested in learning more about what being a consultant is like? Join Bain in-person for 20-minute chats and learn more about Bain, consulting, and our Associate Consultant and Associate Consultant Intern roles. These chats are reserved for Penn undergraduate students who are interested in learning about a career in consulting in Dallas, Houston, or Austin.Please only sign up for ONE session with ONE Bainie this semester as we are only able to offer enough slots for each person to attend one.

  • Mar 25
    Bain London 25 March: True North: Scholarship for Black Heritage Students - Advice and a slice

    Join us for a fun and informal evening to learn what it feels like to be a consultant at Bain and to ask any questions about applying for Bain London’s True North: Scholarship for Black Heritage Students. Drop in anytime to meet Bain consultants and have your questions answered, or just to grab something to eat!Key DetailsThe deadline to sign up for this event is 21 March 3:00PM (GMT)In person event held 25 March 6:30PM - 8:30PM (GMT) at a restaurant in LondonLogistics will be shared to those who have a place on the day priorWe are keen to meet penultimate year students from any degree or discipline of any nationality studying at any UK or Irish university

  • Mar 25
    2025 Penn Undergrad Spring Presentation and Networking Night - In Person

    This event is exclusively for Penn undergraduate students. Bain & Company invites you to join our spring presentation and networking night! This information session will take place in-person at the Inn at Penn from 7:00pm - 8:45pm ET. We welcome you to join recruiters and Penn alumni who now work for the firm to learn about our Associate Consultant internship and full-time role. All class years and majors are welcome.Bain & Company is one of the world's leading management consulting firms, working with top executives to help them make better decisions, convert those decisions to actions and deliver the sustainable success they desire. The firm advises global leaders on their most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, marketing, organization, operations, information technology, digital transformation and strategy, advanced analytics, transformations, sustainability, corporate finance and mergers & acquisitions, across all industries and geographies.   

  • Mar 25
    2025 Bain Texas Spring Undergraduate Info Session - Virtual

    Bain & Company, one of the world's top-tier strategy consulting firms, brings together the brightest and most curious minds into one global team where anything is possible.We will be hosting an information session, featuring Texas Bainies.

  • Mar 26
    2025 Denver Office Penn Undergrad Coffee Chats - In-Person

    Bain & Company invites Penn undergraduate students to meet with a Bain Denver Associate Consultant for coffee chats on Wednesday, March 26th from 9am - 11am ET. Join us to gain insight into the the responsibilities of an Associate Consultant and learn more about the work we do at Bain. These conversations will be brief at 20 minutes each. Please only sign up for these chats if you are interested in applying to the Denver office.Sign up by Monday, March 24th at 9pm ET to secure a conversation. To ensure that everyone gets a chance to ask their questions, please sign-up for only one chat. You will receive a confirmation email with final details prior to your selected time slot. We look forward to meeting with you on campus! 

  • Mar 26
    EMEA Crack the Case - A Webinar for Candidates in Interview Process in the EMEA Region (26 March 2025)

    Congratulations on your upcoming interview with Bain! We want to be here to support you all the way and with this Crack the Case session you get an additional opportunity to practice for the case interview process.Date and time: 26 March at 18.00-19.00 CETEvent Eligibility: Please note, the final confirmation of your participation will be given one day prior to the webinar and is contingent on your current standing in our application process. This webinar is designed for candidates currently going through the interview process at Bain in EMEA. During this hour-long session, we’ll provide an overview of what a traditional case interview entails, tips and tricks on how to solve a case, and advice on what our interviewers are screening for during the case interview process. To begin the session, we will introduce the case interview and finish by walking through an example exercise. We will also save as much time as possible at the end to answer your questions. It is for candidates at all levels of familiarity with consulting/case interviews. You will remain anonymous during the webinar. Only the hosts from Bain will be able to see the other participants.

  • Mar 26
    2025 Bain Breaks it Down: Empowering Women in Technology and Engineering (AMER/EMEA) - Virtual

    Join Bain & Company for our upcoming experience share webinar featuring inspiring Bain women within technology and engineering. This webinar will take place on March 26th from 12:00 - 1:00 pm ET and is open to anyone interested in learning more about technology and engineering at Bain. During this webinar, our panelists will share their unique career journeys, reflecting on the challenges, triumphs, and key moments that led them to Bain – all while showcasing why it’s a great place to work for technology and engineering talent. The experience share panel will include Bainies representing roles within our Enterprise Technology and AI, Insights & Solutions teams.  


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¿Estudiante? ¿Recién graduado? ¿Profesional activo? Tenemos prácticas y programas para muchas etapas profesionales.

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