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Business Insider

These charts show how pumped up HR departments are about AI - even if many of them are still relying on paper documents

These charts show how pumped up HR departments are about AI - even if many of them are still relying on paper documents

The vast majority of human resources departments at larger companies plan to significantly increase their tech spending in the next two years, Bain & Company found in a new survey.

  • octubre 12, 2018
  • 1 min read

Business Insider

These charts show how pumped up HR departments are about AI - even if many of them are still relying on paper documents

"HR departments are rapidly adopting new technologies," Michael Heric, a partner with Bain & Company's Performance Improvement practice, said in the report.
It warned, though, that "the appetite of HR leaders for more digital tools may outpace their ability to absorb the tools."

Business Insider