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Bain Partner Priscilla Dell'Orto on Customer-Centricity and Connecting the Dots Across Greater China

Bain Partner Priscilla Dell'Orto on Customer-Centricity and Connecting the Dots Across Greater China

  • marzo 18, 2021
  • min read


Bain Partner Priscilla Dell'Orto on Customer-Centricity and Connecting the Dots Across Greater China

Priscilla Dell'Orto is a Partner in Bain’s Hong Kong office and a leader in the firm’s Financial Services and Customer practices. She joined Bain just over a decade ago and specialises in customer experience, including the Bain trademarked Net Promoter System (NPS) and the new NPS Prism subscription service – as well as digital, operating model and cost transformation. She has worked across Bain offices in North America, South America, Europe, and moved to Hong Kong in 2015. Priscilla also runs Bain’s Customer practice in Greater China. Hubbis ‘met’ up with her recently to learn more on her mission – driving customer centricity in financial services – and the great and growing opportunities in wealth management and insurance in China’s USD1.7 trillion GDP Greater Bay Area, the subject of a survey and report she co-authored recently. She also finds time to raise two children under the age of six with her investment banker husband, with whom she shares a passion for wine, adventurous travel and the outdoors.

“My area of expertise is everything that has to do with customer needs: customer segmentation, customer loyalty, customer experience transformation, customer-centric product development and so on,” she reports, opening the conversation. “And of course, I focus heavily on digital transformation as a key enabler for customer centricity, across insurance, banking and wealth management.”


Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks and Net Promoter Score℠ and Net Promoter System℠ are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.