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MedTech Dive

Medtechs made it out of Q2 with minimal impact from delta. That could change in Q3

Medtechs made it out of Q2 with minimal impact from delta. That could change in Q3

Procedure-dependent companies reported little to no impact from the variant in the second quarter. But rising COVID-19 cases and elective shutdowns pose a risk in the second half of the year.

  • agosto 26, 2021
  • min read

MedTech Dive

Medtechs made it out of Q2 with minimal impact from delta. That could change in Q3

"Over the last few weeks, there's been a meaningful drop in elective procedures," said Mayuri Shah, a partner with Bain & Company. "There are pockets of the country where a lot of things are looking very similar to where they were at the start of the pandemic."

MedTech Dive