Material Scope 3 emissions are a criterion at the "Capturing Data" stage of the Alignment Scale. PortCos should be measuring Scope 1, 2 emissions from operations, alongside material Scope 3 emissions, and making the data available to the fund.
Scope 3 refers to Categories 1 to 15, however, completeness improvements are expected as data becomes available. In line with existing guidance, we recommend including material Scope 3 emissions if they represent 40% or more of the PortCo's total emissions (for further guidance, please refer to SBTi and the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard).
We acknowledge that material Scope 3 data availability and quality varies greatly, therefore PMDR points towards a PCAF Score 5 (for "Capturing Data" stage) and PCAF Score 4 (in "Aligning" and "Aligned" stages), which means that proxies and estimates are acceptable to be used. Nevertheless, investors can communicate progression of assets on the Alignment Scale without material Scope 3 data up until "Preparing to Decarbonize," as long as they clearly state that what they show only refers to Scope 1 and 2. In addition, it is encouraged to transparently communicate reasons for non-inclusion, planned future actions, etc. when applicable.