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James Baker



Consumer Products & Technology Leader with >20 years experience

About James


  • Driving business transformation for the most iconic companies & brands in the Consumer Products industry
  • Specialist in new digital technologies and mindsets
  • Led development of Brand Experience growth platform

James is a partner in our Consumer Products and Enterprise Technology practices, based in London.

He has been working in the Consumer Products industry for over 20 years and has worked with many of the most iconic global brands and companies. He has deep experience working in Home & Personal Care, Alco-Beverages, Petcare and Confectionery.

James has a passion for new technologies and has personally led multiple projects that have applied innovative digital solutions to accelerate and amplify business growth. Examples of his previous work include developing and deploying a new Brand Experience growth platform, building a digital twin solution that uses AI & ML to improve plant effectiveness and capacity, and transforming supply chain operations across "farm to fork" traceability, control tower and end-to-end planning.

Prior to Bain, James led the Consumer Products business in UKI for another global consulting firm. He graduated from Manchester University and attended the executive programme in Exponential Technologies at Singularity University.

In his personal time, James can often be found on a mountain or a sports field with his wife and young sons.

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