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Maeil Business Newspaper MBA

[Hello CEO] An innovator, Orit Gadiesh, Chairman of Bain & Company

[Hello CEO] An innovator, Orit Gadiesh, Chairman of Bain & Company

  • Απριλίου 07, 2012
  • min read

Maeil Business Newspaper MBA

[Hello CEO] An innovator, Orit Gadiesh, Chairman of Bain & Company

If you’re looking for hot markets, start by looking for hidden gems in your current core business.

The description that best fits Orit Gadiesh, Chairman of Bain & Company might be an innovator, rather than a consultant. Gadiesh, who leads the world-class strategy consulting company, is one of the most frequently quoted persons, along with the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs, in a recent best-selling book, The Innovator’s DNA by Jeffry Dyer. Early in her consulting career, Orit Gadiesh convinced a major US steel producer to adopt a new production method, which is one of the best known and most innovative cases. The steel industry had long-held myths that women are bad luck, but Orit Gadiesh persuaded her client to adopt a continuous casting method, a new technology at the time, by asking unconventional, fundamental questions and holding discussions. When a CEO of a major home shopping company in Korea complained about an increase in product return, she said in a nonchalant, child-like way “Sell a product that is difficult to return.” It was her advice that placed financial products on TV home shopping channels in Korea.

Maekyung's MBA Team, undaunted by persistent crisis, economic uncertainties, and political risks, has sought insight from Orit Gadiesh, Chairman of Bain & Company as part of its commitment to finding the key to business innovation and growth.