Doing Agile Right
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Doing Agile Right
Doing Agile Right will help those who truly want to be agile, not just do agile.
—Maya Leibman, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer, American Airlines
A lot of business leaders I know are skeptical that agile can deliver real business performance improvements. This book will change their minds. Doing Agile Right helps dispel misconception and focuses on how to get real business results from agile.
—W. Mitt Romney, business and government executive
Doing Agile Right resists extremes and introduces a much-needed, balanced model. It marries innovation with the timeless principles of management to support enduring success.
—John Donahoe, President and CEO, Nike
Nearly half of agile transformations fail, and many more fall short of expectations. For the thousands of companies pursuing agile transformation—as well as for agile practitioners—Doing Agile Right is a must-read that will put them on the path to results instead of the road to disappointment.
—Jeff Sutherland, Co-Creator of Scrum and Creator of Scrum@Scale
Compelling and pragmatic, Doing Agile Right lays out a blueprint not just for weathering change but also for embracing it. This book describes how to apply agile values—customer obsession, focus, continuous improvement—to practical organizational systems like planning and budgeting, talent processes, and executive decision-making to embed agility into the organization’s DNA.
—Christine A. Leahy, CEO, CDW
A hugely useful guidebook. It will arm leaders to be better change agents.
—Simon Mulcahy, Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer, Salesforce
No matter where your company is on its journey to agile, Doing Agile Right serves as a useful guidebook for senior management teams. The authors bring decades of experience and perspective to demystifying an often misunderstood topic.
—Ritch Allison, CEO, Domino's Pizza
Doing Agile Right lays out the steps organization-wide that allow traditional companies to perform software development like digital natives. CIOs and their business partners in the digital transformation journey will find this book an invaluable road map.
—Michelle A. Routh, Chief Innovation Officer, CARE USA