Ward Van Hoecke


Los Angeles

Biografie Ward

Ward Van Hoecke is an expert in our Private Equity and Technology practices. He also advises clients in the Advanced Manufacturing & Services sphere.

Throughout his tenure at Bain, Ward has led close to 100 commercial and operational diligence efforts, as well as deal generation and screening efforts for financial investors. Within technology, he is one of the leaders in Bain’s tech services practice and is also deeply versed in growth strategy through innovation and Bain Accelerated Transformation (BAT).

Ward has worked with clients across the US, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe and Northern Africa.

He has held several leadership roles across Bain Bay Area staffing, HR, professional development and global training. He is a recipient of the firm's global Bright-Dix award for excellence in professional development.

Prior to joining Bain’s Chicago office in 2012, he served as a consultant for another top firm.

He holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and an MSc from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in his home country, Belgium.

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