Jean Roch Donsimoni


Biografie Jean Roch

Share your journey to Bain.

I earned my MSc in economics at the University of Nottingham before working for an automotive OEM player. The experience was valuable, but I wanted another challenge, so I left to do a PhD in Economics in Germany. After I earned my PhD, I decided to return to the private sector, but wanted to work in a project-based environment, which led me to Bain.  

How did you know that Bain was the right company for you?

When I decided to pursue strategy consulting, Bainies were the most willing to help. During interviews at several firms, Bainies left the most positive impression. They always made me feel welcomed and were fully dedicated to my success, even at this stage. The second I got my offer to Bain London, I stopped every other interview process, as I knew that this was definitely where I wanted to be. 

Do you feel like you can do impactful work at Bain? What opportunities excite you?

I have been fortunate enough to work on some very impactful projects. Some work includes shaping up the private sector strategy of a tech player, advising the 5-year plan of a financial service firm, and redesigning the operating model of a major organization while working in our AMS practice. Each time, the work we did directly influenced and helped inform the decision-making of the CEO, leading them to change their thinking or adapt their strategy based on our work.