The Wall Street Journal

India's wind-power target is up in the air

India's wind-power target is up in the air

  • 23. Mai 2013
  • Min. Lesezeit

The Wall Street Journal

India's wind-power target is up in the air
Though India hopes to increase the share of renewable energy in its total power generation portfolio to nearly one-fifth by 2017, its efforts could falter due to slow progress in implementing policies to attract investment to the sector. Amit Sinha, a partner at Bain & Company, believes that India has to fix broader problems plaguing the power sector if it wants to provide a long-term boost to renewables. He explains that the problem is complex; "It's not only about the subsidies...Subsidies are important. But problems such as fuel shortages [and the] financial health of electricity distribution companies have to be fixed first."

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