El Cronista Comercial

Branding faces a crossroad

Branding faces a crossroad

  • 22. Juni 2011
  • Min. Lesezeit

El Cronista Comercial

Branding faces a crossroad

Shorter economical cycles, millions of consumers that for the first time have access to a high purchasing power, digital communication in real time and virtual universes that make the offline world an online tissue. The scenario in which a brand manager has to work today couldn’t be more complex. Especially if they are working in companies with a long existence, statistics show that traditional brands are struggling to sustain themselves and grow in the market. An exclusive report by Bain & Company (B&C) shows that, from 8000 analyzed brands, in the last five years, only 90 achieved an increase in their share. The analysis is even worse if we evaluate the last 10 years: only 17 show signs of growth.