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CX Transformation: Tech & Data

To provide a superior customer experience you need a modernized technology and data stack, but this critical element of transformation is often the most complex. We can help you every step of the way.

CX Transformation: Tech & Data

Customers now expect a first-class user experience, and companies have a much clearer idea of what that should entail. But actually, building it is another matter. Superficial improvements to UI and UX aren’t enough. Powering a true customer experience transformation requires a fully optimized IT stack, a goal that lies beyond what your legacy systems can achieve.

We can help you build the strong technology and data foundation that your customer experience transformation depends on. Our fully integrated approach enables you to plan future-back, beginning with an architecture diagnostic that maps the characteristics and pain points along the customer journey.

We also work with you to:

  • Determine which applications need to be modernized and redesigned to deliver more value, more quickly
  • Mobilize your transformation
  • Align IT to deliver efficiently
  • Embed the agile ways of working best suited to your modernization goals

We act as your IT and data general contractor, helping you build the capabilities you need to go well beyond superficial UI/UX improvements and instead address program planning and management, architecture, governance, vendor management, and more. Our combination of business and strategy expertise, deep bench of architects and software engineering experts, and robust network of independent solution providers ensures you a perfectly tailored solution that will accelerate your customer-led digital transformation.

Persönliche Identifizierung mit Unternehmenszielen

Persönliche Identifizierung mit Unternehmenszielen

Bain Accelerated Transformation hat überdies zum Ziel, dass sich jeder Mitarbeiter mit den Zielen des eigenen Unternehmens identifiziert. Diese Eigentümermentalität führt nachweislich zu einer höheren Unternehmensperformance und langfristig profitablem Wachstum. Bain sorgt dafür, dass sich die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen wie Inhaber und Aktivisten verstehen. Zudem unterstützen wir mit unserem Turnaround Management die Bildung von agilen und digitalen Kompetenzen, um den Unternehmen unserer Kunden einen nachhaltigen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu verschaffen.

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