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Covid-19 Is Accelerating the Adoption of Healthcare’s Digital Tools

Physicians quickly adjusted their approach to patient care in response to the pandemic.

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Covid-19 Is Accelerating the Adoption of Healthcare’s Digital Tools

Physicians already planned to increase their use of digital tools, but Covid-19 accelerated that effort. In response to the pandemic, physicians quickly increased their use of telehealth and remote patient monitoring. Investing in new technologies and artificial intelligence could be the key to shoring up physicians’ capacity for managing chronic diseases and providing preventative care.

Lucy d’Arville is a partner with Bain & Company’s Healthcare practice in Australia. Satyam Mehra is a partner in Bain’s Healthcare practice and is located in New Delhi. Alex Boulton is a partner in Bain’s Private Equity and Healthcare practices and is based in Singapore. Vikram Kapur is a partner and leads Bain’s Healthcare practice in Asia-Pacific from Singapore.

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