3 Questions with a DEI leader at Bain on building an inclusive culture

3 Questions with a DEI leader at Bain on building an inclusive culture

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September 11, 2024

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Gunjan Sud, Bain & Company’s director of global diversity, equity, and inclusion, has dedicated her career to advancing social equity and driving impactful change. In this Q&A, she shares how her experiences have shaped her approach to fostering an inclusive culture at Bain and beyond.

1. How has your background shaped your career path?

I was born in India and moved to the US when I was six. When I came here, I worried about having an accent and not fitting in. To assimilate, I started speaking only English at home and listening to popular music here. But it was also important for me to keep the values my parents taught me, such as discipline and respect.

I noticed how difficult it was for my parents working as immigrants—trying to fit in at work the same way I tried at school, but with 30+ years of experience behind them. I also noticed the privilege I had because of what they could do for us. I saw an opportunity gap and wondered, “How can we make a more equitable society?” I think this recognition informed an understanding to want to balance the playing field. This influenced career choices and pivots for me.

2. What was your journey to Bain?

I’ve always wanted a career with a social mission. I started at Bain as an associate consultant (AC) in 2009 and left to work in education consulting. After business school and returning to Bain as a consultant, I pivoted again to work at the Chicago Police Department as assistant director of reform management. I hoped to help figure out how the police system could work fairly and equitably. However, change was slow, and I wasn’t making the impact I sought.

I was excited to discover a new role and chose to boomerang back at Bain in 2020 to join the diversity, equity & inclusion team. I am working with functional and expert client delivery teams to help them think about where they can embed DEI into their practices to meet their DEI ambitions and to think about programming like inclusion training or mentorship offerings. The work is satisfying, and I am proud of Bain’s great DEI improvements over the years. 

3. How were you involved in your community outside of work?

Outside work, I am passionate about having an impact in the community. My husband and I volunteered with refugees when we lived in Chicago. After observing the refugee crises in Afghanistan and Ukraine, we wanted to provide support.

We met weekly with an Afghan refugee helping her learn English and restart her education in the US, with her eventual goal to become a doctor. We also provided her emotional support and helped in any way we could.

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