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Denise Lim


Share your journey to Bain.

Before joining Bain, I did a myriad of things across four different countries including starting my own business, working with multiple high-growth startups in sales and business operation roles, heading an incubation program, and leading teams to build corporate ventures. In between, I also dabbled in different activities including teaching yoga as well as designing and launching a card game on Kickstarter.

How did you know that Bain was the right company for you?

Bain has consecutively been the leader in being the best place to work. Beside the vast amount of project opportunities available at Bain, there are also things outside of work I look forward to.

Do you feel like you can do impactful work at Bain? What opportunities excite you?

As a venture architect, I help our clients imagine, build, and scale new businesses and am responsible for incubating growth thinking into every stage of business building. An example of a case is designing an innovation entity that will churn out startups for a green energy transition. It’s not often that we get a blank page to design an innovation engine that will make both an economic and social impact. This case is revolutionary in that sense.